#24 - How to be French Part II – very French habits

Sometimes the French can be very different from everyone else! We look at some of the more unusual and unique habits such as never, ever, ever being wrong. And not only that, we explain the surprisingly and really rather strange way the French deal with it if they are wrong. Of course, this being France food comes into the story – anyone fancy a plateful of sheep testicles flavoured with lemon and parsley (of course, must have some flavourI). Or how about something sugary? Raw beef flavoured ...

Om Podcasten

Everything you want to know about France and more… in a free podcast. Janine Marsh, Editor of The Good Life France, award-winning travel writer and author of best-selling memoirs about life in France with her unruly chickens, dogs, cats, ducks and geese, quirky neighbours and the joys of renovation, and Olivier Jauffrit, the vintage French music expert at Radio Paris Chanson – have teamed up to make a podcast!