Sarah Knight on how to be a total fxxking grown-up
The Grace Tales - En podcast af Georgie Abay

Remember the book The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck? For me, it was life changing. It taught me not to sweat the small stuff and while it’s still a work in progress and I think it always will be – it’s impossible to float through life without getting your feathers ruffled - her wisdom has stayed with me. Today’s guest is one of my favourite best-selling authors – her name is Sarah Knight. If you’re opposed to swearing, this might not be an episode for you. Her book titles range from Get Your Shit Together to Calm The Fuck Down to most recently, Grow the Fuck Up. Sarah gives us all a reality check – most of us are saying yes way too much, not putting in boundaries, and running from the things we need to tackle head on. Her messages are resonating - her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times. If you’ve ever felt like life as an adult was meant to be easier than this, then you’ll love her new book. It’s a guide for the modern adult, written to help you become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful. Amazingly, there’s not much swearing in our conversation, just lots and lots of wisdom. Go to Follow @thegracetales @georgieabay See for privacy information.