Episode 208: A Leader Worth Following - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Each January we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s incredible legacy and dream for equality, a notion that is just as relevant today and one that should always be at the forefront of our collective consciousness. Drs Milt Lowder and Cory Shaffer reflect on Dr. King's lasting impact and, using his vision as the baseline for the conversation, share three key lessons gleaned from Dr. King's powerful and timeless message.

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Our group is traditionally trained in sport and performance psychology, and in the spirit of what we do, the purpose of our podcast is to make a positive impact on your life and challenge you to think differently on topics related to growth. Through conversations with coaches, athletes, executives, and leaders of industry, we will explore and highlight the mindset and skillset required for lasting growth. Ultimately, we exist to provide you with the tools to become the best version of you. At AMPLOS, we’re passionate about helping you pursue better.