Are Your Subconscious Beliefs Hurting Your Hormone Balance?

The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin Dunston - En podcast af Kyrin Dunston MD - Tirsdage

Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast! In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Nicole Huffman to discuss how our subconscious beliefs can impact our hormone balance.   If you're struggling with hormonal issues, it's important to explore all potential causes - including your beliefs and mindset. As Dr. Huffman explains, our subconscious beliefs can have a powerful impact on our physical health, including our hormone balance.   If you're ready to dive deeper into exploring your own beliefs and how they might be impacting your health, tune in now! You'll learn valuable insights from Dr. Huffman that can help you create lasting positive change in your life.   In this episode, you will learn: How our subconscious beliefs can impact our hormone balance What kind of beliefs might be causing hormonal imbalances How to start exploring your own subconscious beliefs Lifestyle and diet tips for optimizing hormone health Methods to use for unresolved stress How to enhance your energy and vitality at any age And more!   So whether you're struggling with hormonal issues or just want to learn more about how our beliefs impact our health, tune in now for an enlightening conversation with Dr. Nicole Huffman.   If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe to the Hormone Prescription Podcast and leave us a review! We appreciate your support as we continue working to empower women everywhere to take control of their hormone health.   [01:19] My guest today. You're gonna love her. I know you love all my guests, but you're really gonna love her because she's gonna talk about a topic that's super important and just might the missing key. When it comes to your hormone balance, I find that women who don't achieve the hormone balance and health, that's possible for them over a 40 often neglect this step. So this is why it's super important.    [02:12] Dr. Nicole Huffman is a naturopathic medical doctor and her passion is finding the root cause of her patients and balances and dis ease, not just solving the symptom picture. She believes the body has the ability to heal itself, given the correct personalized treatment plan. And after restoring the basic determinants of health, a certified neuro emotional technique practitioner, Nicole knows firsthand the dramatic effects that healing negative subconscious beliefs can have on health. She explores these and more topics related to root cause resolution approaches to health on her biweekly podcast called coffee with the docs. Welcome Dr. Nicole Huffman.    [03:26] I'm so excited to ha,ve you and dive into the topic of, are your subconscious beliefs hurting your hormone balance? I, yes. Right? So I know some people are wondering why aren't they so excited, weirdly excited about this topic? Why tell everyone why you're excited about it?   [03:45] And I don't necessarily think it's because doctors like don't wanna help their patients with that. I think honestly, just a lot of practitioners aren't really taught how to help and especially the docs who are, you know, sort of in the more standard standard type of medicine who are helping with hormones. It's just not part of their repertoire to really deal with that side. But we know as practitioners in the functional world, that if you look at hormones and if your stress hormone cortisol is too high or which is gonna affect insulin, it's also gonna affect all of our sex hormones, which is gonna throw off the whole hormonal balance. And so it's just so important to look at that piece of the puzzle.    [04:43] And I know the first thing that women say to me is like Dr. Kiran, how of my , how does my subconscious thought that runs my body have anything to do with my hormones? They're like, no, no, I've got a very menopause problem. I've got a menopause problem. I don't have a subconscious thought problem.    [05:15] I think there's that quote that's like you can't solve the problem with the same brain that created it. I mean, it is one of those things whe

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