Overcoming Midlife Weight Loss Resistance

The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin Dunston - En podcast af Kyrin Dunston MD - Tirsdage

Have you been struggling to lose weight and keep it off? If you're a woman in her 40s or 50s, you're not alone. In fact, many women experience what's known as "midlife weight loss resistance."   But the good news is that there are steps you can take to overcome this resistance and finally achieve your weight loss goals.   On this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast, we're joined by Stu Schaefer, a 20-year award-winning celebrity weight-loss coach. He specializes in helping people put their bodies into The Thermogenic State, so they burn fat 24/7… and lose weight as they did in their 20s. He's here to share his insights on how to overcome midlife weight loss resistance.   You'll learn: The benefits of thermogenic foods How to eat for your hormones The real reason why it's so hard to lose weight as you get older The simple tweak to your diet that can make all the difference How to boost your metabolism and burn fat around the clock Foods  to avoid if you want to lose weight Type of diet that will help you lose weight And more! If you're ready to finally overcome your weight loss resistance and get back on track, this episode is for you. Tune in now and start losing weight today!   [01:44]  So Stu Schaefer is a 20 year award-winning celebrity weight loss coach. And he specializes in helping people put their body into the thermogenic state. So they burn fat 24 7 and lose weight like they did in their twenties. Who wants that everyone stew struggled with anorexia and his teens. And when he overcame his eating disorder, he realized that he wanted to help people create their perfect body in a healthy, sustainable way. Since then St has helped thousands of people transform their body and empower themselves to create massive success in their life. Welcome Stu. So happy to be here. This is gonna be great. It's gonna be awesome. It's always fun to talk to you because you have such clarity around the issues that my people wanna know about, which is weight loss resistance at midlife. How do I get rid of this belly? How do I get my butt to shrink my thigh? All the things. Not necessarily because of a vanity issue, but because they know it's related to health problems and they know cuz they've been hearing me say that fat, excess fat is not just decoration. It's metabolically active. And it's like, you have this extra endocrine organ that's then messing with your hormone. So, so many problems with excess APAC tea. So how did you become interested and an expert in this field? Why don't we start with that too? [03:19] That's a great question. And you mentioned something really quick that I want to touch on before I forget you just mentioned something that's gold. And you said when women have this excess body fat, it reeks havoc with their hormones and will get to this. Remind me about this because most of the women who see me think their hormones are off and that's the cause of their weight gain, but actually their hormones being off is a symptom. Okay. And so when they hit, they, every woman that I've ever talked to says, well, I hit my fifties and my hormones changed and that's why I gained weight. And that's not usually the truth. The truth is something's off that reeked havoc with your hormones and caused you to gain weight.   [04:07] Well, you mentioned in the intro that I was anorexic and I was in, um, my first year of high school when I was 13, between eighth and ninth grade, I ended up breaking into a house in my neighborhood with two friends. I thought they were my friends and uh, I ended up getting arrested. Now when you're 13, every little thing is the end of the world. Anyway, and this was like the end of the end of the world. And because of that, it just, I had this self hatred. You also mentioned the self love idea in the intro and I was just despised myself. And as a result, thank goodness that when I was younger suicide wasn't as gratified as it is now. There no one was committing suicide, but I possibly cou

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