The Scary Truth About Your Hormones Your OBGYN Doesn’t Want You To Know

The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin Dunston - En podcast af Kyrin Dunston MD - Tirsdage

Women go to gynecologists because who else are you going to go to? That's the closest thing for women's health, but there are some things women should know about their hormones that they're not getting at their OBGYNs, particularly the fears and facts behind hormone replacement therapy. The only way you're going to learn about this stuff is by listening to this episode: The Scary Truth About your Hormones Your OBGYN Doesn’t Want You To Know. The real scary truth about your hormones is that they affect everything about your health - especially if you don't know about them! We'll help you stay informed. We're going to demystify and know the truth about this very important topic. Here’s what you'll learn from this episode: The consequences of that hormonal deprivation that are gonna cause us to decrease our lifespan and our vitality Fears about hormone replacement therapy The facts that women should know about their hormones that they're not getting at from their OB GYNs  How do you get access to functional medicine doctors [02:47]The podcast is my gift to you. I'd like you to give it forward to other women in your life and women you don't even know and probably will never know together we succeed, or together we fail.   [07:25] . But what I don't think women realize is that O B GYN is a surgical residency. And that was part of why I loved it as well.    [13:01] So 50 million women in menopause right now, 2 million of us go into menopause each year. We are in a state of hormonal deprivation in menopause.    [14:42] And so I really want women to take away from this today, like, listen to your body. It's trying to tell you something. When gynecologists keep offering bandaid solutions, they're covering up that message and you're not hearing it.    [15:45] one of my favorite things that hormones do is they regulate your immune system. So it's really cool when women get pregnant, their estradiol level goes down because you're carrying a half of a foreign human in you that you're growing, and you don't want your immune system to attack it because you'll miscarry.   [16:46] So there's such fear about hormones, the ACOG American college of obstetricians and gynecologists recommendation for hormone replacement therapy is for symptom management for the shortest period of time in the least amount of dose. And they only recognize two symptoms of menopause.   [17:42] And so, like, it was standard for women to be on hormone replacement therapy for heart protection and brain protection.   [18:41] And so it's very complicated. It's very political, but I want women to understand what that study really said was that if you start hormones more than seven to 10 years after menopause, you probably have an increased risk of blood clot and stroke, because you already have started to develop heart disease and liver disease, et cetera.   [20:00] If you do a bioidentical estradiol, your body is not processing it the same way. And if you take a patch, it's bypassing the liver.    [21:05] So if you use micronized bioidentical, progesterone, you know, or made from Mims topical over the counter, that doesn't react in your body the same way that is not feeding breast tissue in the same way.    [21:43] And that, you know, I remember that conversation we had where we just said, you know, OB GYNs are hurting women. And it's sad to admit, I have a lot of good friends who are OB GYN. Yeah.    [23:43] That is good news. It's kind of amazing though, that, you know, the body is made the way it's made because it actually functions really well. so you think that the first inclination would be, well, we naturally have progesterone to balance out and like, I like how you say, keep your, our estrogen in check.   [24:13] So if you've had a hysterectomy and you're on estrogen, oh my goodness. Get on progesterone because progesterone is like our natural anti-anxiety harm.    [25:36] But how do women get access to doctors like us? I mean, I know they go to the hor

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