Episode 55 - When Singing Doesn't Feel Safe

In this episode I answer a great question from a listener that has many levels to it. What happens when our success at singing begins to make our friends or family act differently towards us? When those who should be excited and supportive are actually angry and bitter toward us. Or, simply begin to avoid or ignore us. Even if you've never experienced this I recommend you listen to this podcast as it goes way deeper than this question and will probably have something you can really relate to and take from this. The important thing is - what is causing this and how do we deal with it. The answer may surprise you and can be applied in many instances - even if this question doe not pertain to you. Enjoy. (-:  

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The Inner Singer Podcast is a show dedicated to you - the singer. If you’re looking for more confidence and joy in your singing, Mike Goodrich will provide actionable tools that you can begin to use IMMEDIATELY to shift your perception of your voice and quiet the negative self-talk. The Inner Singer Podcast is delivered once a week on Monday. Each episode will focus on developing and strengthening your conscious and unconscious beliefs, programing, patterns and habits into ones that support and accelerate your singing - NOW.