What You Need To Know About Love Bombing

What compels an intelligent, high achieving, gorgeous woman to fall for men with red flags all over them? Why would a woman feel hopeful, excited, and special when a man comes onto her very quickly and rushes into commitment? How does a woman mistake chemistry for compatibility, override her intuition, and fall for men who say all the right things but don't back them up with healthy masculine energy? Love bombing runs rampant in the dating world, and there are specific things you can do to protect yourself. On this week's new Irresistible Woman Podcast, I share the deeper reasons why women find themselves attracting men who appear picture perfect on the surface, but are to be avoided if you desire healthy partnership.  You'll also discover practical tools to put into place today so you can date with true confidence. Want to end the year feeling clear, confident, secure, and magnetic in your love life? Join us for The Irresistible Woman Activation LIVE In-Person Love Coaching Event is happening November 30th, December 1st, and December 2nd, 2023 in Denver, Colorado hosted by Madeline Charles. This LIVE experience is designed to help successful women develop confident dating skills, turn on their feminine magnetism, and learn the exact steps to attract their high quality man without endlessly swiping on apps or painful dates that go nowhere. Get your FULLY REFUNDABLE $97 ticket now! Grab your free gift: The Sexy, Successful, and Secure In Love Masterclass Join my free Facebook community for women, Confident In Love Send me a DM on Instagram If you're loving the podcast, please leave a rating + review on Apple Podcasts. It only takes a moment and helps others find this free resource. Thank you!

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The days of one size fits all dating advice are done. For single women ready to release insecurity, anxiety, and self-doubt in dating, this podcast is for you! Get ready to date differently and watch your love life transform. Find out how to unleash your irresistible factor, and attract your perfect match.