Hour 1: Trump's 'Bloodbath' quote leads the media into a frenzy.

3PM What’s Trending: The far left media has taken a Donald Trump quote out of context and running with it. Taking a quote from Donald Trump saying their will be a ‘bloodbath’ if he if loses election. A United Airline flight from San Francisco to Medford Oregon lost an external panel during the flight, and Boeing will still take blame for the mishap. // Many people gather outside of a Bellevue rental home in a landlord protest after a family has not paid rent in a year. Craft Cannabis, a dispensary in Tacoma, was vandalized twice in once day, with the theory that it is a rival dispensary causing the chaos. // A supreme court hearing has gonna over the government pressures over control on social media platforms and the removal of ‘harmful’ content.

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Jason Rantz is Seattle’s fresh, contemporary conservative voice. Young and urban, passionate and bold, Rantz is outnumbered by the Progressive chorus, yet refuses to ignore the conservative principles at the core of America’s greatness. Prolific on-air and online, Rantz knows he’s outnumbered in Seattle, but he’s never shy to be outspoken about it.