Hour 3: Antisemitism on NY campuses, Clallum County prank calls, sanctuary city books migrants

What’s Trending: Signs calling for death to Israel and America were found on the NYU campus. A black pro-Israel student at UCLA hits back at white protesters for harassing him. Some protesters say they’re covering their faces because of COVID. Speed cameras on Alki Beach have yet to be installed. There’s been a recent spate of calls in Clallum County where residents are pretending to be with the Sheriff’s office.  // LongForm: GUEST:  David Olson is a Peninsula School Board member who is now running for superintendent. // The Quick Hit: Police in a sanctuary city arrested over 1,000 migrants after voters had reached their limit with Democrat leaders.

Om Podcasten

Jason Rantz is Seattle’s fresh, contemporary conservative voice. Young and urban, passionate and bold, Rantz is outnumbered by the Progressive chorus, yet refuses to ignore the conservative principles at the core of America’s greatness. Prolific on-air and online, Rantz knows he’s outnumbered in Seattle, but he’s never shy to be outspoken about it.