The Power of Neurofeedback: Understanding Brain Waves to Improve Anxiety, Sleep, and Social Skills with Dr. Andrew Hill

Dive deep into the fascinating world of brain health, brain mapping, and the game-changing impact of neurofeedback on anxiety, sleep, executive function, and so much more.  In this episode, Dr. Andrew Hill - a neuroscientist with a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA and is best known as an expert neurofeedback practitioner and brain fitness coach - shares his decades of knowledge to help us understand the power of neurofeedback. Discover the pivotal role of brain mapping in tailoring personalized neurofeedback treatments, how certain brainwaves in different areas of the brain affect your cognition, and what you can do to optimize sleeping patterns, reduce anxiety, and even IMPROVE your social skills! Discover the nuanced impact of brainwaves like theta and beta waves on cognition. Explore how focusing on these waves can optimize specific areas of your health, from enhancing executive function to reducing anxiety and improving sleep patterns. Join us for an eye-opening journey into brain health and neurofeedback. - Use code “SELFDECODE” to get 50% off unlimited brain mapping at - Follow @peakbrainla on Instagram - Check out SelfDecode - Join Joe’s online community

Om Podcasten

Unlock the secrets of your DNA and optimize your health with The Joe Cohen Show. Join Joe, biohacker and founder of SelfDecode, as he interviews world-class health experts and shares cutting-edge research and strategies for biohacking your body and brain. From functional medicine tips and supplement recommendations to longevity and performance optimization, each episode is packed with insights to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you're interested in genetics, biohacking, alternative health, or simply improving your overall wellness, this podcast has something for you. Subscribe now!