Ep. 31 Is this how John Keats would have sounded reading Bright Star?

Is this how John Keats would have sounded reading his great sonnet Bright Star? Dr Ranjan Sen has a better idea than most. A scholar specialising in phonology and phonetics at the University of Sheffield, Ranjan researched how English was spoken in the early 19th century (not least ----more----by a London Cockney) for the cyber-resurrection of John Keats organised by Oxford's Institute of Digital Archaelogy in 2021.  Read Bright Star here. The full conversation will be posted in the coming days. For now, listen to this trailer in which Ranjan reads Bright Star as he believes Keats would have. Enormous thanks to Ranjan.  Listen to James Kidd read and discuss Bright Star here.

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A podcast about John Keats, PB Shelley, Mary Shelley and Lord Byron. Readings, conversations, and stories about their lives and writings.