‘An Interesting Time To Be Alive.’

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast af Skrillex


No, don't capitalize; That would make it a proper I would hate for you to think This is a proper anything Not correct, politically, by any means Especially not to me Just a warning I'm just a background singer, I don't mean to linger When I lift my finger I'm pointing to the lead Billie, you shouldn't do this. I already did. What the shit. Time travel, bitch. BILLIE ELLISH speeds off into the night, leaving nothing but a trail of flames and a plume of smoke behind the sleek, silver DeLorean Are you sure this is what you want? Yeah it is. Just sign here. Christ. Nice. Where's my scythe. I thought you already had a scythe— This is the tiny scythe—Where's the full size? Why! What?! For what?? It's a set. [beat.] ...it is, though. So, then—gimmie. Uh, we don't— Yeah, we don't have that— —we just handle the paperwork. —we just handle the paperwork. Oh, like HR? Yeah, like that. I met you at The Ninth Gate… I don't think this is a good idea. It's a fine idea. I really don't know. Then shut up. Obsession, Lust— Thr delicate balance between Genius, and Madman What do I look like to you? …a movie star. What is that? A movie star. I didn't hear you! A movie star! I wanted to tell you this in person… If you go any further, there's no going backs There's no going back anyway. CHAUNCEY STREET, BROOKLYN. NY. A knock at the door. ALEX lets our a deep sigh and places her phone down on the table; she opens the door. Her face is flush. Hey. Hey. [A mysterious man] lets himself in. Did you talk to her. Yeah. Is she still in New York. Yeah. She's still in New York. Brooklyn? I don't know. ‘You don't know' I don't know. —but she's here. In the city? Yeah! Okay. [the mysterious man] sets a stuffed white envelope on the table] Here. Wun Jimerlilly Fallerlallonms Oo00h. TW0 Jimmerlilly Fallerlallonms *GASP* WhT! TW0 JiMmeRLiLly FaLleRlaLloNms?!? Jyus! JYES. —nerr. My god. Yea captain. S/he speaks perfect Skrillex. 3/10 Room 208 2:30 pm I just want to be okay again I just want to live in LA again I just want to play again No Vacancy, No Vacation, No veneration or compensation for commissioner; No doctors for the patients A saint, But seeking minimum wage And simple certain stakes I got on the wrong train And still ended up in the right place Long nights make for Nice days I carried a distinct memory of this day, and so there had to have been something important about it— least I thought, or perhaps even hoped, that there was maybe something good and special just around the corner, as it had been hard and bad for so long, that in the very least I knew that it couldn't get worse-that I had somehow hit rock bottom again so quickly that it was indeed possible that I would spring up just as quickly, which I realized was a brighter outlook than I had even expected at best, and a start at most. While inwardly I was devastated, I was at least able to suffice a calm facade, which Luke had commended me on, despite his various other psychological tricks and quips, as it seemed everything had been a test with him—but then, nearly everything was a puzzle or a challenge, not that I minded—but the latest installation of superfluous hazing, which was (at least by google'ssuggestion, somewhat even seemingly supernatural had been a first handed look into the srufff of nightmares, white america's predominately black non-solution to the housing crisis which they had caused, and furthermore, a test in my own mental strength and wits—a reminder of every reason and more why I had left my previous life behind—it's trials neither worth writing about, nor remembering, however, it's effects a tragic scar on my psyche, however unremarkable the result. It only hurts to think about a lot, And so I don't, It's just a rock, really Going on a walk through Central Park ia not an option. Neither a mother, nor father, Nor mirror; Here I'm sitting at the harbor Nonchalant as God would ever want to be And conscious, yet unconscious— Nodding off again, I'll know it when it's time to talk again (To talk again) Pause What. Remember what AlwaZ said. Uh. ALWAZ AKA -THE ILLUMINATI You're a genius. SUPACREE Yeah, thank you. ALWAZ Listen, you're famous—! SUPACREE When is this? New York City is probably absolutely the worst place in the world to be, if you don't want to be there. Hands down worst place ever. And I mean—I was stranded in Mexico with no money for a couple months, and that shit sucked—but it wasn't like “kill yourself” bad. New York gets craaaazy. I was on the subway and this dude was just listening to that one The Weekend Song over and over on loop. The funny thing is. I don't remember which The Weekend song it was— but you play any one of his songs on loop and you tell me if that man is okay. He's not okay. I heard it's a chemical imbalance Whatever that is Is has to be Obviously, Cause they said it is, Cause they said so, So it is, isn't it? Sunni bLums pDisxses It's my favorite troll doll! Ah! Real monsters! I don't use Travelocity!/ Get back on my front lawn, motherfucker! Hey, it's Daniel Dipshit! Who the fuck is “Daniel?” You're Daniel, Dipshit! Why “Daniel?!” Dipshit—why not just Cause you don't even know your own name, Dipshit! [sprays with hose] WTF ARE YOU DOING. I don't like licking the sour stuff off, I just want the sweet stuff! Oh, do you? Don't be gay. DJ Magic Kenny Where's Dillon Francis. He's not here. Where is he? I fired him. You what? I fired him. When?! This morning. You can't fire him! He's half the show! Just—one date. No. Sunni, come on. No! I'm not dating Diplo. What?! Why not?! He's too pretty. PUT A SHIRT ON. GODDAMNIT, SHUT UP. OWSLA places a TRUTH SPELL on SUNNI BLU/ which results in her being outed as SUPACREE. Nooooo. YES. TABLOIDS Mwahaha PAPARAZZI MWAHAHAHAJA TMZ MWAHAHAHAJA ILUMINATI -_- Great. You pissed off the Illuminati. I am the Illuminati. Now we're fucked. What don't you get about this: I am in control. [a cannonball flies through the window] I told you. Holy shit, what is THIS. It's a cannonball. A fucking cannonball! W0W. It says something. What's it say The cannonball reads: “You're so fucked.” “You're so fucked. W0W. Nice. I told you. No, I told you. “I'm in control!” I write in canon! It's a stretch, but it'll do! Keep up. You wrote this? I wrote everything! The next level Timmy's Turn up When I talk Hi, I'm Ū Offenbach 4U Heart over height, Head over heels, Mind over matter— I don't want to fight you. We have to. No, we don't. We're going to. But we've already— That doesn't matter. It matters to me. I am you. Then it matters to you! That's—not what I meant. C'esme't. I'm gonna go. You're leaving?! The quarrel's tomorrow. No it isn't! Yes it is. Call it off! No. Its tradition. But— ? [I love you] Goodnight. She heads for the door. [I love you too.] Unspoken words In the hurt of the war of the worlds You come first, Then unearth I become in the force of the storm Where were you, before this? What I was, I assure you was unsure, at first Now, it's just Another record So it works forward, and back Of course Back—and forth… Yes. This is marvelous. Well, it's yoursz I can't take this. You're not taking it; I'm giving it to you. What for? For traveling, of course! But I'm not going anywhere… What is this. It's a DJ. Oh, wow, nice. Yeah. Where'd you get it? I found it. Oh, wow. Yeah. Where? It was just—on the ground. On the ground? Yeah. Oh. MORPHEUS You know what? What is it? MORPHEUS …nevermind. AMY POHLER …I think this is a bad idea. TINA FEY It's a good idea. AMY POHLER I think it's bad. TINA FEY Have another shot. [she does] AMY POE—whatever It's a really bad idea! TINA FEY OKAY, LETS GO. Pan out to JIMMY FALLON standing awkwardly in silence in the shadows behind them. JIMMY FALLON I'm coming too. OH MY GOD. what the [BLEEP] How long have you been standing there. The whole time. No you haven't No you weren't. You're so—WEIRD. I'm coming with you. No NO. Yes. I'm coming with you. No— —wait— No! Jimmy, do you think this is a good idea, or a bad idea. [beat] It's the worst idea ever. HA! NO—it's GOOD. I TOLD YOU. You're not coming. He's coming. With. (hiccups) us. Yes. UGH *takes shot* UGH [BLEEP] It's the worst idea ever— NO UT ISNT. —it's a really bad idea. You need me. Ew. We need him therr—uhh Yes. [beat] Fine. YES. But don't say anything C'ESME'T Petrutheio… PETRUTHEIO You should go. If you are what you eat Then I'm nuts and bananas but sometimes I'm even a hero But that's neither here nore there, no. After C'esme'ts disappearance, (and refusal to cooperate with The Phrophecy as foretold), Petrutieio seeks companionship and solace with a dutchess, from a further realm—This causes the inhabitants of the lower realms to begin to isolate from one another, eventually erupting into an all out war between Kingdoms. C'esme't, still journeying about the various Kingdoms in the outer realms, becomes amused and charmed by a cosmic magician; a King, in his own realm, though as his father still reigns, has not become an official successor to the throne, until he marries; unassuming and rather shy GIAN, very tamely roams about the wilderness, amused by the cosmic messengers of Ascencia Gathered with The Ascended Masters, C'esme't accepts an invitation to study in the palace, decisively allowing herself the “freedom of choice” from fulfilling The Prophecy, as foretold, However, she is blissfully unaware of the conscious ties between this realm, and that of her own; the ascended mastery begins to unify the Family of Light, to unearth an ancient relic, which holds yet unknown truths concerning the fate of the higher realms of Ascencia, and those even beyond Infinity. Where is she? She hasn't returned. When will she? What concern is it of yours? You have this… She gestures to a fair and freckled woman, her black and smooth locks draped over her shoulder; she is tame, but fierce in stature. It's my Kingdom. That, it is. I will rule how I please— He looks over his shoulder, gesturing his confidant. —and with whom. Hm. Peturtheo shows a slight glimpse of fear; a brief silence fills the room with tension. He asserts himself with a head nod. So you shall. He makes his way back over to the Goddess, as she wraps her long and sleek arm around his neck and shoulder, as he leans back into the embrace. Yes, I shall. The King's Three exit the chambers; Petrutheo, wide eyed and clearly stifled, lets out a hollow sigh, trying— but failing entirely— to relax at all. C'esme't and Petruthieo are eternally bonded; for when one thinks of the other, they become as one—no matter the time, or space—or entire worlds between them. In the pre-existence, as Young Immortal masters, All the Gods and Goddesses of Ascencia are raised in the kingdom of Gaia, as perfect whole and innocent children, until adolescence—where they are separated into the lower realms to exist and create outwardly and grow into Ascended Mastery. [A Free Vegan is a term used to describe a person who practices veganism, but still may moderately consume some animal products sparingly, such as collagen, honey, or other products medicinally or as supplementary nutrition; this Vegan might wear leather, use products or materials derived from animals for convenience, functionality, or economic reasons.] Girl with the tattoo Miguel “A Walkthough Central Park” I'm on a regimen of vitavitavitamin, I need some anescrptoc and some aneceptomen Medicine man and an antiseptic A bed to rest my head I, some bread Some peanut butter for my jelly {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.

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