M4MXS III: ‘complications.’ IV - [P Ï Z Z Δ. ]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast af Skrillex


M4MXS III: ‘complications.' IV - [P Ï Z Z Δ. ] I am in love with you– Oh no! Not again! What will we do about this? I'm afraid– Don't be afraid… There's nothing left to do, sire. This is disastrous… We must let the romance run its course. “Self Fulfilling Prophecies” C'esme't! –You've brough a friend... Your Majesty– Who's this? My sage. Ah, I see. An honor, your highness –Not my choice– To finally meet you. Ah. You as well. I offer protection, your majesty, as Her Highness is unfamiliar to your realm. I'm familiar enough. C'esme't–be kind. For what? Pleasure to meet you, as well–uhm– Sage. Ehm–Sage–the Sage? Yessir. One who neednt be called neednt a name… Ah, well, it is with great honor that I welcome you both to my Kingdom. How very chivalrous. It's my nature. Ugh, I'm going to be sick. The indian fare from one of my new favorite restaurants, not that I had tried many, was hitting the spot– but my stomach began to unsettle, as I thought about the massive attack of sensory overload I was getting, which seemed to be coming from all angles– “God, he's so handsome…” of course, i had been trying not to think about it, but something deep inside of me didn't miss a beat when it came to hunting down new music that I needed–and even older records that I needed to catch up in collecting, which indeed had led me to a WHAT! THIS DIMENSION HAS A SPY KIDS 4?! Are you serious? Come on, pick your heart up off the floor, now.' As the sun rises over Manhattan, My mind races to the past, A complex misunderstanding– A phenomenon, at best– The most profound and circumstantial Quiet, lost conundrum; To th eye, an Idol This, A childhood obsession. “I guess that's a start” His folder would be one of the smallest, of course, especially once compared to that of Skrillex, Dillon Francis, or even, remarkably so, Jimmy Fallon's –if I could ever wrap my mind around attempting to organize The Festival Project from what it was into anything palpable–and it very much wasn't. It didn't entirely make sense at all to anyone but myself, or at the very least I thought it didn't, though however some seemed to be at least listening to the series, strangely enough, it still had no real foundation or true platform. ‘The way his energy moves inside of his body…' It was a repetitive thought, my obasesions becoming conglomerate, probably even moreso exacerbated by the awful long bout of celibacy, as I also to have reached my sexual peak–it wasn't fair, but it was at the very least a learning experience–however unwelcome–and my wants and needs seemed to be rather specific, which I hated. Ooh, Boss Fight. Nice. Please Help Me. No. I don't know where i”m going. Okay. OKAY?! i'M NOT OKAY. I don't care. AGH. Oh great, which God is this? Idk. Hey, what's your name again? Axis. GOsh, what an InSpIRAtIoN I'm addicted to Crack Cocaine. Ok. What else do you want to do? If you go through this portal, something on the other side is going to kill you. Fine! I'm ready to die! Hi. Hi. I JUST WANT TO GET HIGH AND MAKE LOVE TO YOU WITH MY SOCKS ON. I wish i never saw this. HUh. What happened. WIll you eat thiss? NO! Will you eat this–for one million dollars? YES. I can't believe your mom sold you into slavery. IT'S OK. I LIKE IT. Uhhh . Now, i'm going to ask you something. Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.

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