Ooh. (I Love Ya) [This is: Undefeated] - Freestyle Studio Session Mixtape, Unreleased [FULL EPISODE IN DESCRIPTION]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast af Skrillex


[The Festival Project.™] Presents: {ENTER THE MULTIVERSE} SEASON 6- ACT II No, you can't go see Jimmy Fallon. Aw, C'mon, why not?! REGISTRATION CLOSED. What the FUCK. No, You can't see SUPACREE. Aw, C'mon, Why Not!? We need to begin Sequence B Immidiately. Just ask Jimmy Fallon. No. Yo, why not?! He wants to! Jimmy will fuck this up. JIMMY FALLON Aw, come on! No, Jimmy. JIMMY FALLON C'mon! I got this! [JIMMY FALLON BREAKING CHARACTER] [JIMMY FALLON BREAKING FOURTH WALL] [JIMMY FALLON LAUGHING UNCONTROLLABLY] NO. JIMMY FALLON *mumbles disappointedly* We need a Master Level Veteran. *Nobody Raises Hand* …. … WHOOPI GOLDBERG I got this. WHOOPI GOLDBERG is a MASTER LEVEL VETERAN SORCERER What the fuck is this. It's still Legends, I think. “I think” WELCOME TO THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS. Oh no. What. Why doesn't it sleep? Why do you? Whoopi Goldberg. It's just “Whoopi” Whoopi Goldberg. Or just, “Whoop” Whoopi Goldberg. Christ, you're annoying. I'm not “Christ”. Have you met him? He's annoying. What is wrong with you? Only God Knows. Fuckin Wise Ass. *coughs*Wise Owl. *squints* Who? I KNEW IT WAS YOU. Who? *battle of squints* —Ah, Fuckit. Don't- Don'tyoumove! WHOOPI GOLDBERG and SUPACREE prepare for battle: *BATTLESTANCE* Don't turn into an owl again. Oh, What! Fuhckthat! Are you scared? –I'm not scared of anything. WHOOPI GOLDBERG in a whip transforms into a Giant Black Owl, expanding it's extended wingspan above her. SUPACREE produces a cage from thin air, instantly trapping the owl, whose eyes flicker with a glowing golden haze, as colorful auroras surround the cage, which supacree closes, setting it atop the mantle. WHOOP! *sighs* Sorry, Whoopi Goldberg. The Owl ruffles its feathers cognizantly. That's for elbowing me, mostly. CUT TO: [FLASHBACK: LEGENDS/THE LEGEND OF SUPACREE] THE BLOC. DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. BROAD DAYLIGHT WHOOPI?! Thats me, bitch!! BUT YOURE NEW YORK! —and this is how you get that way! WHOOPI GOLDBERG knocks SUPACREE out cold with one elbow. Damn Whoopi! You ain't have to do her like that! Puh! Don't tell me what I have to do [she drags SUPACREE, unconscious, by the ankles] Come on! CUT BACK TO: The Owl Listens Intently. Are we telepathic? The Owl Agrees. Okay, we're telepathic, then. No More Talking. [The Owl Coos] Off To Hogwarts; *hoots* Okay, Now No Talking. It was a long red eye—but at least there was Equinox on the other side. MEANWHILE, BACK IN LOS ANGELES [A Parallel Dimension] I come in yesterdays clothes Soaked in my woes, And hoping I blow just like smoke Down below; A bellowing cry, or a wallow, says “What am I, honestly?” Waiting to die at the right time Turn on the light And it's up another night And look, nothing feels right I could die here Die here Turn on the light Turn me over, goodnight Nothing feels right I could die here Die here All the women, demons, and All the men feinds; I've been begging you Please god, For mercy Oh please But My pleads turn to nothing I'm wasted on my knees, So for my needs I could die here Die here Turn on the light And it's up another night And look, nothing feels right I could die here Die here Turn on the light Turn me over, goodnight Nothing feels right I could die here Die here I just stopped wondering why it's All like this It's nothing but hell here And heaven on the surface I tried just to love, once But it has no purpose I'm probably sick I should die here Die here So sick of wasting my time here (But—what else am I to do) So sick of lying to myself, thinking I should be with you Another day, another room Another bed, another tomb Unborn, the comfort of the womb Just waiting to be born This is horrible I just can't take it anymore No honor No love left Just dollars, I'm obsessed with trying to die Right Here I don't want to do this It's already done, kid Holy shit, man— Who the Hell isn't here right now? Cosmo and Wanda— Who the fuck is that? They're my f— —?? Godparents. You have God parents? —I used to. I didn't even know you had real parents. Neither did I. The latchkey kids of the 4th dimension have gathered on a semi-United front. DORA, KNOCK IT OFF. sorry. Lol Who raised you, anyway? My backpack, mostly. That—doesn't make any sense. Whatever. Imma shuffle. SWIPER, NO SWIPING. Aw, man… I just can't believe In a world Where a guy like you Where a girl like me Could be lovers Good TV knows That you deserve better So I better Just Learn how to settle Whatever Sometimes I fantasize That someone might find my eyes And fall in love, They way I like —the way I love you Sometimes I look up at the sky and wonder why It's critical, the darkness and gloom In my eyes why not blue I felt as if I was being pulled apart— I hadn't slept comfortably and soundly in what felt like forever, but it had only really been a long and harrowing week at the Freehand—it seemed like a curse, pulled from sleep in the very moments when I would first fall, whether it be the flicker of the room lights, an awful, coughing moron, or a certainly and particularly unhygienic individual, it seemed as if I had been attacked; my food stamps stolen, left without sleep and still under the God awful condition od my having-to-do work environment, I was left sprawling for evidence that I had been sent to Los Angeles to do anything other than die; it was a special kind of hell—loveless, without a kitchen, and not a wink of peaceful sleep in eons, Equinox became the only thing worth living for at all, if at all— I was still virtually homeless, penniless, and, certainly friendless, dillusions of grandeour shattered in the merciless depth of mediocrity and immoralous servitude ;I had no other options: i could skew to Mexico, which I hated even the thought of, and though I was pretending to be in anywhere else in my mind— If only just to offset being followed by coughing people no matter where I went, or what I did l—I was just as sick in Los Angeles as ever; and AlthoughI I pretended to stop hating myself, as well, I couldn't—as it seemed my whole goddamn life had been a lie l—the only person who really ever loved me, my mother—who I still refused to talk to—or maybe my father—who had indeed talked my mom out of the abortion, after all. ‘Looks like Donut Friend is the only friend I have' What I really had wanted was Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcakes—and though I had called just minutes earlier, they were all sold out by the time I got there “I don't know what happened!” Said the young woman at the bakery counter “Someone just put in a huge order.” And though my mind was unravelling, a glimpse of my imagination sparked up for the story I had begun, but never finished —and with good enough reason both consciously and coincidentally as it were. CUT TO: [FLASHBACK: SEASON 6 ACT I] DRAKE BELL Everything's on fire and I had to run around and get cupcakes! –And that's where we left off: Wait, rewind. DRAKE BELL hurriedly finishes a very long, specific list of tasks and errands for THE COSMIC ALLIANCE, THE BAMPHERAMPHS, and THE ILLUMINATI. Oh yeah? Sure. It's a classic case Of Good gone Bad, I haven't an answer, And haven't a laugh in the world left Hey, I'm just a girl in a loveless world; But I love men - That's something it shouldn't have been And I wouldn't have written this, If it wasn't infinite; Of course it is, Of all curses and Horcuxes I've suffered; All I've got is words left Otherwise, I'm worthless I could not have served less time Either way, Aren't we in eternity, Entirely? Turns out, I'm just a schizophrenic Skrillex Addicted to whippets, Sick in the infinite businesses interests With innocent intentions, Definitely Reckless, Effectively impressive excrement Never present, neglectfully irrelevant Uninventive, innattentuve, disinterested in Sentimental fixes, instant riches did this; Inches just from sleeping with the fishes Well, I hope you're proud of yourself. … Let's see the tape. Don't watch the tape. Roll the tape. Wow. I know Huh. This season gets wild It is And DEEP. Wait, where's DillonnFrwncis* Fuxk Dillokn Francis* Oh shit, there he is. Wait. [The room falls into a near silent heap of gasps and whispers amongst the robed and hooded crowd; “The Forgotten One” ::||pause. I do have to say, I am impressed with you, Sir. …are you really? I have been to the edge of infinity and beyond—and had yet to see such utter fucklessness. ? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND, Yea. GOFINDIT. -_- Damn. What. ‘Ugh. ‘ This could have all been bigger than what I thought, or not at all—but it was too far past the point of coincidences to even believe that nothing I was seeing, thinking, or feeling had absolutely no meaning whatsoever—and yet, here I was, still struggling to find it. Sugar spicy haze; It's bitter sweet these days, Existing The route I always take Los Angeles is fake, This city Not a penny or a pity in the world To give, to take —you're welcome Thank you after thanks, No regrets or mistakes, —you're welcome I pray for everything, these days I pray for everything, I pray You're welcome I got no reason left to stay No, I don't want to play your game Thanks —hey. You're welcome MILA KUNIS …what are you doing? ASHTON KUTCHER Uh—Fantasy Football. MILA KUNIS —since when do you play “fantasy football”? ASHTON KUTCHER UH—since always MILA KUNIS …what are you hiding? ASHTON KUTCHER NOTHIN—JEEZ. MILA KUNIS —let me see that. ASHTON KUTCHER NO—wait. MILA KUNIS —what is this?! ASHTON KUTCHER —it's a game— MILA KUNIS —IS THIS PORN?! ASHTON KUTCHER EW SICK—-NO! Don't be gross. MILA KUNIS *hits vape* ASHTON KUTCHER —throw that away. MILA KUNIS —what is this? ASHTON KUTCHER —it's a game, I told you… MILA KUNIS “It's fantasy football “ ASHTON KUTCHER That's—a game. MILA KUNIS *hits vape* ASHTON KUTCHER That's so gross. MILA KUNIS Let me see that— ASHTON KUTCHER —no— MILA KUNIS —let me see— ASHTON KUTCHER No! I get a lot of work done here, at the Per LaHotel; There's really only one way in, And no ways out; An access point I am annointed, since, In inscence, Annoyances, and nuisances— This is just a jigsaw puzzle, I already solved, To throw you off a bit I'm lost a bit, I'm stopping just to talk a bit, I saw you at or on The Office once, And lost it Turn me off, then! Why Hollywood? I took a bus to Boston; Just to throw you off a bit Why Hollywood? I said “I haven't got it” Then run off a bit, It's toxic Why Hollywood? It's sodom and a lot of sauce, I saved up a deposit once, Then stopped here, Toes are cold as blocks, I walked like seven blocks To spend 5 dollars on a rock; Eventually the bus will come— Or not— I just don't have a single fuck left Why Hollywood? Come on! I was just trying to write a novel Why Hollywood, Come on— [SUPACREE pops out of a dumpster, like a Jack in the Box, with the enthusiasm and veracity of Sponegebob SquarePants] GOOD MORNING, LOS ANGELES! Lol. Why Hollywood? I got a lot of awesome in my pocket Why Hollywood? I took a bus to Folsom Why Hollywood? Eventually the bus will come Eventually the bus will come Eventually the bus will come To Boston What the fuck, Hollywood. [MILA snatches the strange device from Ashton's hands, swiftly, like a ninja] MILA KUNIS *hits vape with suspiciousness* …what is this? [MILA, instantly captivated, begins toggling the controller; ASHTON snatches the Elfbar from her, equally as swiftly; he hits the vape in defeat.] Meanwhile, in actual life—whatever that is. [More Multidimensional Shit] Everything hit too close to home at once, culminating in a catharsis of tears, after an onslaught off too much information— curiosity had killed the cat indeed—but at least, I, the cat in question, had all the information I needed to give somehow even less fucks than I had given before—or somehow more—as the more I leaned into my eggaerated conciousness, even against my will, but with the will of the world—a turning point in my heart, body, mind, and soul occurred all at once. ‘Ugh, this is awful' I had been up for precisely two days, but still found it increasingly difficult to sleep, even though I had at least been left alone for sometime, which was everything I wanted and more—just to be alone, without another human being, unbothered and untouched—and though I wasn't entirely either thing, a calling had creeped its way into my conciousness; something was not right, and far beyond my means of control, anyway. Now I have you in my palm, As in my thoughts, As in my art, As in my ark, As in my arms— Just as you are, Yet near, or far We are you As striking as ever, of course, the actual man of the muse, of this realm, (wherever I was) had turned out to be more honestly so myself than anything I had occurred as of late—and passing no judgements at all for what I had deciphered at all in this—a mockery of such things in all sorts, from under the microscope, a heaping load of nonsense, Wikipedia an throughway into the depths of unimaginable realism, met with remarks of my own mirage of mediocrity. Facinating. Uh huh. So wait. Uh huh. This kid is actually addicted to whippets? At least, according to Wikipedia. Well, Goddamnit. Fuck. Don't worry, Jared, I'm not particularly obsessed with you—at least not entirely; but you have every reason to be afraid of someone like me—however—not exactly ashamed of your circumstancial being. And At least you know where your son's at; Cause I've got no idea where mine is Pluses, followed by minuses I am the child engangerment, Imaginative entanglement, Creative EQUINOX SPORTS CLUB. LOS ANGELES I'm so heavily confused right now. There are no coincidences. I actually cried over this shit. What the fuck's wrong with this town, anyway?! I found my freedom, You made me a slave again— But I'm finally waking up; I finally know my name, Today, it's still LA; But maybe Amsterdam, Where everything's a rave. PARIS, FRANCE Monssour! * We?! A message from The Ambassador!! Sa cra blur!! Lol. Why is this so stereotypically French? What do you want—Ebonics?! “NIGGA(S) IN PARIS” Lol no. Stop. Okay. JIMMY FALLON, THE COSMIC AVENGER APPEARS You are really bad at this. Shut up, Jimmy. You're not making this easy. I'm not making this anything. Infinity— You are a figment of my imagination, Jimmy Fallon. You think so? Wait. We've been waiting. What did you just call me? Infinity. —and who is “we?” *vanishes* [beat] I hate this. MEANWHILE, IN ASCENCIA After Petrutheo's mysterious death, the kingdom of Eden is crumbles; a — Wait. What, Goddamn it? This episode has no direction whatsoever. Neither do I. Touché. MAN, FUCK LA. JEFF BESOS She quit. I win ELON MUSK No, I win. No one wins. It's a tie BOTH A TIE? A fuckin' tie. What say you, Jesus? … What are you doing on this planet? Just looking around. For what exactly. Traces of life. —this entire society. I mean, intelligent life. This is what Skrillex wants. Well, give it to him, then. All of it? Yeah. What the fuck. I don't care. Wait, where's the— All of a sudden, I hated everyone and everything Oh, all of a sudden, eh? Shut the fuck up. Good Morning, Kanye. SHUTTHEFUCKUP. Well, it was nice knowing you. Oh, so you think you know me? I don't know anything. Madame President. Are you serious? An urgent message. I am not— —you must leave Paris immediately. What! For what? The capital is under siege. What?! Which capital? The World Capital. The what— Madame. What year is it? LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 2038 Christ Almighty. I told you I'd be there. And I could be expected to believe you? You've got to believe in something. As many opportunities as I had to ask where to buy methamphetamine, which might have actually helped me work all three of my jobs while I had them, I was never even tempted; and though I had spent the last few weeks puffing feverishly on nicotine products, been offered (and even found) copious amounts of cocaine, and had finally been deemed attractive enough to be invited to go do whippets— I still hadn't budged, and was the for most part, wholeheartedly sober—still abstaining from alcohol, hard drugs, and most regrettably— sex. Fuck this whole fucking town. I promise you, this is the bottom of the ocean floor. I must have gills, then. I wanted nothing more than to fade away and dissappear; the entire world was eating me alive. I had no intentions of running away, and neither could I afford to stay—the entirety of the world was out of my price range—and with my food stamps having been stolen, i knew it was indeed a personal attack on my mind, and on my body. So wait, I'm not in the Illuminati? What is “Illuminati”? I'm just schizophrenic? After a night of listening to Dane Cook and his shenanigans, I had somehow settled on the fact that the relevant laughter I had been endowed was indeed a revelation of sorts. ‘I must have schizophrenia. Shit.' Unfortunately, however — I had a first handed look at how racially biased LA and the rest of the world actually was—and without a doctor to trust to properly treat whatever had been going on in my head, it seemed I was doomed to die scattered across Skid Row like the thousands of other black individuals in Los Angeles whose mental capacity had been shattered through trauma, addiction, and circumstance. Well, that solves that. Just file for disability. Fuck that shit. ‘I'm not seeking help for any sort of mental illness on Medicaid. Fuck that.' And whether or not it was black and white, it was certainly rich vs. poor—and I would be so easily discarded into an even worse predicament, just for being black, or poor, or a combination of the two. ‘Nope.' Hold up. What. Go back to the Harry Potter thing. Uh, okay. SUPACREE returns to HARRY, HERMINONE, and RON/DANIEL, EMMA, and RUPERT after having left them with the entirety of every single entry from the WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER FRANCHISE for an entire week. They are flabbergasted. You guys okay? —?! *weeping inconsolably* Oh, shit guys. Where have you been?! Living my life. What's that mean? Not entirely sure. AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH. Is s/he okay? Are you bonkers?! Lol “bonkers” I speak American! MEANWHILE, in LONDON *super British conversation almost entirely incomprehensible to The American Ear* —Innit. Innit. Aphmetamines, Acrobatics, Adrenaline, And aeromatics, Arithmetic, Apprentices, And Apprehension, Apparation Fuck, I hate this What's my function? What's my purpose? What is earth? What is this? The truth is, (It's just physics) I don't ever want to wake up again Not in this, Or any city— (Any city, this) It always happens So, women are obsessed with being tiny and defying age— Because men are obsessed with youth, and perfection And either way, it doesn't matter Cause we all get cheated on The whole world is racist— And I might never be loved again But at least I can say this: I love LA, (And hate it) And I am what I am, And I guess I didn't make it But— I can't go back to Africa, And I have no home here, I wish I was never born; Fuck, I wish I was a foreigner! I don't want to be the President I don't want to hate the government— I don't want to be black, But fuck it, I'm stuck in it Fuck wherever Skrillex is And I hate Dillon Francis I guess I have to disappear I guess that's just the plan God, fuck how fat my ass is Fuck a mansion; I just want a shitty ass apartment I can rap in “That's a wrap!” Lights, camera, action! This is Act II. —LEGENDS. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.

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