[The Insomniac]

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast af Skrillex


Fuck it, then— It's over when it's over; If you ask me for a soda, It's “No” —but I might give you water. God, that's an awful lots of stuff In that storefront, Honest, I got a dollar. But it's part of my deposit, Honest— I've only got a moment to offer —I'm not what you want, But I'm all for the love— —if you got it. All I want —is to be wanted All I want Is just an apology, Starbursts, A car, An apartment.. I'm the talk of the town “The Apostle” Comma, apostrophe— I put it all in Call me when you're lonely (Or call me when you're on one) I'm off when the sun comes up. I love LA. I work at a smokeshop— —actually, I work at 3. Yeah. More on that later. So, it's like 3 AM— In downtown Los Ángeles. Right. This was so LA. Okay. So it's three in the morning— (In downtown LA) I'm just reminding you of where I'm at— So you know, I see some VERY LA shit—round the clock We're open 24/7 Yep. So I see some high-level LA shit all the time, But this dude reminded me of how LA LA gets. So dude comes in like “Can I park my bird in here?” [pause] “Yeah dude” Then I look at him—good and hard, too—and I'm like “Okay, what is this dude up to” He is wearing— a full-length fur coat— Not faux fur, guys, no— —over a black wife-beater— Okay? And some skin-tight adidas, Red ones— Yeah. With a white stripe— Uh-huh— And some boujee ass flip flops— Thank god, no socks. You socks with sandals wearing motherfuckers are gonna die and go straight to hell—and you're gonna get there and wonder what the fuck you did, and Satan, the dark lord himself is gonna look at you, dead in the eyes, wirh his cold, soulless self and say “Champion slides and white socks” AAHAHAHAH— —and then you'll burn for an eternity. I gotta get the bag Gotta put it in the bag I gotta get the bag Ya, I put it in the bag Yea—put it in the bag— Put your hands up; Put it in the bag! Ya, I'm on the eleven to seven Like a glamorous 7-11 Call me @ Kream—- We got everything, man Everything… Except toothbrushes—we don't have that. Seriously? Yeah. We don't have that. Sorry about that. —-But— I hope you have a good night—I— I gotta get get the bag Gotta put it in the bag I gotta get the bag Ya, I put it in the bag Yea, Put it in the bag Put your hands up: Put it in the bag Eyyy— What's the rent In this bitch?! Don't make dollars— —don't make sense/cents I gotta get Gotta get I gotta get the bag! SKRILLEX okay. So we're gonna stage a robbery! DILLON FRANCIS that's the worst idea ever. What about the other timeline. Okay. Here. DRAKE okay. JOSH what. DRAKE I got it JOSH what?! DRAKE We're gonna stage a robbery. JOSH That's the worst idea ever. What. It's multidimensionality. How does that make sense? Just wait for it. A mock robbery has been staged to scare SUPACREE into quitting her job to pursue her true dreams and passions INT. KREAM. 3 AM SUPACREE halts an attempted robbery with an entire canister of police-strength pepper spray. AGHHHHHH WHAT THe FUUUUUCK NOOOOO—AGHHHHHH AAAGAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA [crying and reeling for a full 5 minutes] SUPACREE ties up the assailants, taking their wallets and purchasing a large amount of high priced items, sitting down to vape and write for a moment: as the pepper spray wears off, she unloads another round of spray, emptying the can entirely. MY EYES!! I'M BLIND! I'M BLIND! SUPACREE youre not blind—you're just stupid. AGH, MY EYES. (GUY FROM SPONGEBOJ, from outside: AH! MY LEG!) SUPACREE closes the store, places paper page over the assailant's heads before dragging then up the spiral staircase. How much do you know? (Know, know) How much do you care (Care, care) Would you carry me home? (Home, home) Would you take me there? —take me there ——take me there ——-take me there What if this were all mine? What if I were all yours? What if I were always on your mind, Like you're on mine? Am I—? Am I on your mind Am I— (Am I on your mind?) All night, This is where I am (This is where I'll be) This is where I am EXT/INT- KREAM- 6:15 AM A HOMELESS WOMAN enters the store, snatching several bags of snacks; BLŪ follows her out of the store and onto the sidewalk BLŪ …you have to pay for that. HOMELESS WOMAN AAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!! I ONLY HAVE 40 CENTS! BLŪ throws up her arms in amazement—the security guards across the street shrug nonchalantly. Before I close my eyes I had to find the time to write this To tell you I like— Love you Before I say goodnight; Before you catch your flight I have to find the time to write.. cause I ——- Love you Don't pass me by Don't leave me on this island Don't die (Without me) I—- Here's this place Full of things That you want —but you don't need —you don't need ——-you don't need ——-you don't need You don't see me Don't see me Don't see me Don't see I don't need (Don't need, don't need) To eat (Don't need, don't need) For at least a week (Don't need) —but I need ti keep you in my dreams ; I'll keep you between my needs Until I need them To pray. —For LA. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.

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