[This Episode. ] (SEASON 6- ACT III, PART III)

OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - En podcast af Skrillex


[The Festival Project.™] Presents: {ENTER THE MULTIVERSE} THE LEGEND OF… THE INFINITE SKRILLIFILES GERALD'S WORLD & ASCENSION DEATHWISH LEGENDS THE INSOMNIAC {ENTER THE MULTIVERSE} SEASON 6 - ACT II - PART II He's a decorated veteran; No matter what the weather is, He's in it for the better, or the worse (Let's get the better then) This is the bitter end, This is enemies and friends, At dinner, brethren And whether or not you believe in it Receive it: Cause you're better off just grieving Than reasoning, or reaching in for grievances DILLON FRANCIS We're gonna get this bitch. God, This is awful discouraging: “What do you bring to the table?” Like, nothing. I guess I'll keep writing this fable— Here's cane and here's Abel, Here's Kenan and Kel, (this is cable) Here's me: I'm unstable, I'm miserable— Hey a-hole: If I was a horse, would you give me a stable To stay in? Hey Blū, move to your left. (So I moved to my right. ) I am not okay. I'm not okay at all. Fuck. How embarrassing. Whatever. Maybe it's time for a nice… Uh… Something. I don't know Let's cry in the sauna for 30 minutes. Okay. I wasn't getting any work done at all; I was hungry, and tired and sad— —and horny. —and something in me was slowly dying, or rather, very quickly. Sonny had roasted me, first with Kayla Lauren, and then in entirety; surely, Instagram was evil and algorithmic at best—I had approached the DJ in the basketball court in hopes of landing a booking, of course met with the reality of being told what I already knew, and yet, hearing it from the tall and muscular “actual verified artist” was somehow more discouraging than just knowing. DJ I've got like, 107 DJS in my phone. Ū Okay. DJ My personal trainer's a DJ Ū Ok. DJ There's probably 15 DJs on just on this floor, right now. Ū Ok… DJ I have 10 guys under me with 500,000 listeners a month, and I can't even get them gigs. Ū Yeah… DJ It's all about ticket sales. Ū Yeah… DJ I've played at major festivals in over 40 countries— Ū Congratulations DJ —and I still struggle. Ū Wow. DJ You gotta get out there: just go out, get to know the promoters… He had already lost me. I wasn't interested in any of that, nor was I capable; I hated promotion, wasn't pretty or skinny enough for the mass majority of individuals to want to support me just by looking at pictures on Instagram or “promoting”, and, not that I was lazy, but nearing 30 had no interest in going out, partying, heavy networking, or dressing to impress just so that someone would ‘see' me. It had been an off day already, but now it was setting in that perhaps the harsh reality was just that I was shitty, trapped in my ugly body until I could figure out a way to kill it—and that maybe I didn't want to be a superstar DJ—I just wanted a puppy and a baby. That sounds like a lot of work. Way less work than promoting. Then, here's Skrillex over here— —*sonny— Whatever. He doesn't have to do anything Skrillex tickets sell themselves His fan base is so ridiculously massive, It's amazing. His music is incredible. He's trying to kill me. Maybe. I had probably over caffeinated again— I couldn't stop crying, but I had been thrown off most the day, probably hungry or dehydrated or a combination or both—and though I wanted to leave, and return to what I wanted to call home, but couldn't—I had promised myself a full day long or excersise, sauna/steam, and shitoosting—which all along had been the plan for the day before, which I had realized was Tuesday, not Monday—and Valentine's Day, which I might have almost forgotten, if it weren't for Sonny; and whether or not he was watching or listening, it didn't matter—I still felt like I was dying, like my heart was falling out of my cavernous chest and into my stomach, which was rumbling, bubbling up bile and asking me to feed it—but there was no time to eat, sleep, or rest—and though the season 6 timeline had been well established in my mind, it was a shit show on paper. I had tried to put my mind together enough to just establish the season in entirety so that I could be done with it—but fighting off the thoughts of dying, suicide, and homelessness had been relentless. It wasn't in my nature to just ‘give up', but being a DJ, ‘especially in New York' was going to be rough, and in two days, or one—I was set to pack up and go no where. The 9 pin for the spare, I'll always have you here, I'm on a train to nowhere I'm on a plane to nowhere A 9 pin for the spare, I love your eyes, I like your hair; I'm on my way to nowhere I'm on my way to nowhere INT. 30 ROCKERFELLER PLAZA. DAY LIZ LEMON I do not want to go to there. JACK You're going to go to there, and you're going to like it. LIZ LEMON I don't think I'm going to like it. JACK Have another shot of Tequila LIZ LEMON —put some lime in. [he does; she takes the shot] LIZ LEMON (CONT'D) I'm going to like it. Ugh. Have you ever thought of ending it by suicide? It's do or die Or, Should I waste my time Just chasing idols, lit like fireflies? If I am you— And you are I, No use in asking why You know, if I was in love with someone— I would do the same thing. Maybe not “In love”, just— love. I need red albums to rest, Green to wind me up, and get ahead I might feel better if I had a bed, Forget it, i'm just a lunatic In love with this: Give me attention, Give it quick I can't get back To get you, yet— I'll never rest Because I'm dead inside my head Another suicide again!? I'm trying not to, Tim; And Aliocha was my friend, Did you find him yet? I can't define what Skrillex is, It's just an algorithm, Dillon Francis, Instagram— And that's where Fran is; Damn, The Nanny? That'll make me laugh. Cry in the sauna? Yeah. ACT III, PART III THE BAMPHERAMPHS HAVE carefully mapped out MANHATTAN ISLAND, PARIS, FRANCE, LONDON, ENGLAND, and ROME, ITALY in search of SUPACREE. INITIATE SEQUENCE C MEANWHILE, IN A PARALLEL CROSS DIMENSIONAL REALITU/ AMANDA BYNES, NOW IN HER 30's, is at the laundromat. Her eyes widen as she views the television screen: BREAKING NEWS: SUPACREE'S HIGH-SPEED CATASTROPHE: LIVE. So far, I've been sleeping, Resting peacefully, And sometimes, think I'm dreaming, Like I'm supposed to be Why aren't we equal! Why aren't we equal? What are you eating. I need you. I guess I'm a martyr, I have to do this. (Why dream of suicide? I hate being homeless) One day late, and a dollar short Don't be silly I love you. Stop doing this. Whatever. I love you. I love you. Whatever. I love you. I love you. Does it-- matter? CHAL (From season 4, still in an infinite loop) IT DOESNT MATTER. lol. Just pull the plug, Sonny. I can't. Please, just do it already. AND, WE'RE LIVE. She's dead. Oh, she's really dead. MARK. What. It's time to go. Already?! WHERE IS TOMMY?! Okay. Who the fuck is Tommy? That's what I call ‘em. THOMAS WESLEY PENTZ Holy shit. I forgot about this. I didn't. PLEASE MOVE FORWARD. You got this. I most definitely, do not got this. This is Godless. THE SOUTH WILL RIIIIIIIIISE AGAIN. Jesus Christ, Jeff. A lot or your fucking fans are racist. EXT. LOST LANDS. ETERNALLY ——YIP-YIP—YIIIIIIIP. SSOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUIE. Light begins to seep through the cracks of the wooden coffin DILLON FRANCIS has been trapped in; we do not know how long it's been. The sound of a shovel removing dirt from above startles him( though he is certain it is only a hallucination. I need a solution. Define: Solution. There's a whole lot of pollution in the ocean. God, you speak perfect Skrillex. I am him. Okay. Now what's happening. DRAKE BELL/TIMMY TURNER —I wish— Hurry the fuck up, Timmy! DRAKE BELL/TIMMY TURNER I WISH THIS NEVER HAPPENED! Suddenly, a portal opens into the infinite unknown and swallows them whole. FEDS —quick, this way. [however, they've disappeared. The alley is empty.] Jeez, this whole timeline is weird. This existence is weird. W E I R D Hm. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.

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