The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#101 - Dr. Tammy Nemeth, PhD "A lack of skepticism regarding absurd claims covid and climate alarmism; what is the pathway forward?"

The MARTINZ Critical Review - En podcast af The MARTINZ Critical Review

Today’s episode revisits a former topic and provides some closure to the Allan Inquiry regarding foreign influence into down regulating Alberta’s energy industry.   We previously explored the Nemeth Report which was provided to the Allan inquiry as supporting evidence to this situation.   Joining us again today is Dr. Tammy Nemeth.  Dr. Nemeth earned her PhD in history from the University of British Columbia, and now works as an Independent Researcher and Historian based in the UK.  Dr Nemeth co-founded the History Network (H-Net) and H-Energy (history of energy) discussion network, an organization hosted by Michigan State University ( Dr. Nemeth was the editor and book review editor for 13 years, commissioning and editing book reviews and round-table discussions. She has also served as a peer reviewer for academic press and journals. Dr. Nemeth has also been a guest lecturer at Jacobs University in Germany, where she taught the geopolitics of energy and the environment, and has published several articles and book chapters on Canadian and international energy issues. Most recently Dr. Nemeth has taken to the airwaves to continue delivering truth and reason with her own podcast call the Nemeth Report.  Her podcast can be found at: Today we will review the findings of the Allan inquiry, and discuss the near vacuous response that it received, other than the bleatings of climate alarmists, and left wing academics and politicians shouting down the research and pandering their usual unsubstantiated and utterly unscientific narrative that CO2 and fossil fuels are the root cause of climate change.   We will also examine the deleterious consequences of abandoning reliable fossil fuel energy sources, and provide evidence that the Earth’s climate is in fact cooling and entering into a Modern Grand Solar Minimum. To learn more about this subject matter please see the following links: "The Cascade Institute Plots the Collapse of Western Civilization," Real Clear Energy, July 2021, "Net-Zero will be Net-Painful," Financial Post, September 2021, "Has No one Read the Deloitte Report?"

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