The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#107 - Warrant Officer James Topp, CAF "We are in a massive captivity situation; the antidote to FEAR is KNOWLEDGE"

The MARTINZ Critical Review - En podcast af The MARTINZ Critical Review

In today’s program I present you with another one of the final covid-19 focused episodes.  In this episode we will examine the psychological manipulation underpinning the propaganda and mind control which has afflicted the Canadian population since March 2020.  Today we deviate from the typical guest we host on the program, and rather than speak with a scientist, we will be speaking with a career military serviceman.   Joining us for this episode is Warrant Officer Mr. James Topp.   Warrant Officer Topp dutifully served the once great nation of Canada and the Canadian Army for almost 30 years.  Two weeks ago he was informed that he would be facing punitive administrative action for not complying with the Chief of Defence staff order for all members to get their useless and dangerous covid-19 vaccination.   Last Saturday he was summoned to his regimental head quarters to sign a recorded warning which will be used to justify his release which will be categorized as 5f. To make it clear this is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge. James was born in North York Ontario and grew up in BC in the coastal and Fraser valley regions.   He joined the Canadian army in the mid 90's as an infantryman where he initially served in the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry and The Royal Canadian Regiments.  His list of overseas missions include Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, and Afghanistan. He was deployed and trained in the UK, US, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Norway and the Canadian Arctic.  In this episode we introduce listeners to Biderman’s Chart of Coercion, which is a tool designed to demonstrate and explain the coercive methods of stress manipulation used to torture prisoners of war.   Of of the most important aspects to come out of this episode was the PRIDE acronym taught to soldiers to resist captivity.  The acronym stands for: P - Principles of Leadership and looking out for your fellow man R - Resistance Always, even if it is in a small way (never wear a mask) I - Information, discern what is real and valid vs propaganda and fiction D - Dignity & Discipline, keep faithful to your truth and maintain your personal beliefs E - Escape, plan to end your captivity and weigh the options of continuing your captivity and thoroughly plan your escape

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