The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#108 - Anita Krishna, Former Global News Director "True confessions of a disenting mainstream journalist"

The MARTINZ Critical Review - En podcast af The MARTINZ Critical Review

In today’s program I present you with another one of the final covid-19 focused episodes.  In this episode we will examine the abject lack of journalistic integrity which is now pervasive in today’s mainstream media, and further look at the role that they serve as propaganda agents for tyrannical governments.  Today we again deviate from the typical guest we host on the program, and rather than speaking with a scientist, we will be speaking with recently fired career journalist.   Joining us for this episode is Anita Krishna, formerly a Director at Global News.  Anita was bored and raised in British Columbia and obtained her Bachelor of Applied Arts in Radio and Television from Ryerson University.   For over 10 years now she has worked at Global directing thousands of newscasts in a variety of their programs including News Hour, Global News at 5, Global National, and most recently a series of Covid-19 press conferences.   Anita began to question her superiors at Global as to why the time honoured journalistic premises of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, and public accountability were blatantly absent from their covid-19 coverage.  Again and again her queries were met with the response “don’t ask questions just do your job”.   This troubled her personal and professional integrity and she began to investigate the real science behind covid-19 and began to speak out against the official narrative.   Her defiance towards her superiors and unwillingness to continue to report lies and spread propaganda to the masses has ultimately resulted in her termination as of yesterday, January 18, 2022.

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