The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#46 - An insider's perspective on the chinese corona virus situation - with Global Frontline Nurses

The MARTINZ Critical Review - En podcast af The MARTINZ Critical Review

ANOTHER EXTREMELY IMPORTANT EPISODE!  SHARE THIS MATERIAL FAR AND WIDE! In today’s program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, dissecting the chinese corona virus, the massive and unwarranted over-reaction perpetrated by governments around the world, and the tremendous negative ramifications these restrictions have had on health, life, and liberty. In this episode I am honoured to host some amazing and courageous frontline health care warriors.  Joining us for this episode we have Nurses Kristen Nagle, Nicole Sirotek, Sarah Choujounian, Erin Marie Olszenski, Catherine Story, and Alex Flett - the founders of Global Frontline Nurses.   Their mission is to unite nurses around the globe so that their collective voices can be heard loudly against the draconian and scientifically baseless covid measures presently in place, and to uphold their oaths.  Their vision is to restore the rights and freedoms for all citizens and work to reinstate the four ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice within nursing. In this episode these Nurses share their first hand front line experiences dealing with the chinese corona virus and they reveal the massive mis-management and ongoing propaganda that is fuelling fear, paranoia, mis-information, and negatively impacting physical and mental health world-wide.  Many of their revelations are shocking and must provide even the most staunch supporters of the official narrative a moment to pause and reflect, and hopefully start asking some hard questions.    Throughout this massive fraud which is being perpetrated on humanity it is imperative that you ask yourself these questions: "Who would you prefer to obtain your information from?   1) A shill that is being paid to regurgitate a scripted message?  2) Someone that stands to earn financial gain regarding their directive?  3) Or rather someone that is risking everything to speak their truth and share that truth with you? To learn more about these incredible and amazing women, and their work please visit:

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