The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#61 - The twin pillars challenging Human Evolution - Covid and Climate Alarmism - with Michael Martinz as a guest of the Carlson Angle podcast

The MARTINZ Critical Review - En podcast af The MARTINZ Critical Review

Today's episode is a bit of a departure from the usual format.  The host of the MARTINZ Critical Review was invited to appear as a guest on the Carlson Angle podcast.  In this episode we discuss the recent wuhan flu restrictions that the British Columbia provincial government has implemented, and examine the crushing effects that these measures are having on children, families, and small businesses.  We also explore options and suggestions for concerned citizens to begin pushing back against ever increasingly draconian measures. What if the wuhan corona virus pandemic was just a masterfully executed business plan designed to primarily generate massive profits and additionally to test humanity's level of apathy, gullibility, and lack of basic mathematics and science education.  What if this plan went so well because humanity acquiesced to every request by the oppressors and fell in line quietly like sheep headed for the slaughter house?  What if the level of compliance was being tested for the real agenda of control - the control of energy utilization on Earth. Climate alarmism and the false narrative of runaway heating is the single greatest threat to humanity, period.  Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant,  it is a minor greenhouse gas, and in the presence of water vapour or clouds CO2 has an even more limited effect.  However, CO2 has been vilified and it has been hungrily taxed by greedy governments.   The present shameful Canadian government just raised the carbon tax to $45 a ton in the midst of the most difficult economic times many people have faced in their lifetimes.   Where is this tax money going?  Into the pockets of renewable energy corporations that have supported political campaigns, lobbied governments they helped put in power and then influenced legislation to promote climate alarmism policies.  This is an inverse Robin-Hood equation.  Rob from the poor and give to the rich. Wake up folks, and take your world back.  United non-compliance is the only way we get our old normal back, or evolve into something greater.  Just say no to the new normal.   Please note that this episode is also available on Youtube by checking out the following link:

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