Season 3 - Episode 5: Steven Gavrielatos The Passionate journey from YouTube fragrance reviewer to brand co-creator/creative director

He’s a teacher, creative director, writer and above all a fragrance lover and collector. Today we’re talking with Steven Gavrielatos aka Resolessence a fellow YouTuber for over a decade on the platform he shares his passion for fragrances in a very eloquent and educational manner through his channel with daily videos. In this chat we’re going to get to know him a little bit better and talk about his journey and other interesting facts and perhaps even some ‘’controversial’’ fragrance in...

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Max Forti is a fragrance aficionado, digital creator for almost a decade, perfume critic, fragrance connoisseur and founder of SCENTXPLORE. He will take you on a fragrance journey! He will host creative directors, perfumers, writers, bloggers and other fragrance industry folks. In this podcast he will cover different subjects and topics in the ''Beyond the Bottle'' series in which he will talk about various relevant topics in today's world to help you find your ''forte'' in whatever interest you may have about fragrances taking your experience to the ''max'' no pun intended, of course! See you on the other side.