Episode 5: Wake Up Sunshine Day

Blah blah blah this is The Moshpit. Blah blah blah pop-punk podcast. Blah blah blah music news. WHO CARES? I mean you definitely should but you should care MORE about Wake Up Sunshine Day! That's right. Wake Up Sunshine was released on April 3rd, 2020 and after spending some time with the newest album in All Time Low's discography, the ladies of The Moshpit are ready to break it down track by track by track. Is their favorite song, your favorite song? Kelly's probably is the same as yours. But that's because every song is her favorite. Can they rap Blackbear's part in Monsters flawlessly? Spoiler alert: Michelle totally can. So can Brianne and Kelly. But Michelle did it first! What's the prevalent conspiracy theory related to this album? Ask Brianne, the resident Paramore expert and conspiracy theorist. Unrelated but also semi-related, she also holds the title of Scene Grandma. Don't miss this episode full of all your typical Moshpit shenanigans just laser-focused on Wake Up Sunshine!

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Om Podcasten

Throw on some checkered vans, pull on your band tees, and get ready to open the pit up. Join pop punk advocates, Michelle, Brianne, and Kelly, as they talk rock and all its subgenres. Whether it’s hyping up a new local pop punk band we found, throwing it back to the emo days of the 2000s, or venturing into some metalcore music that we don’t typically listen to, you’ll get your rock fix on The Moshpit. But mostly, we’ll talk about All Time Low. Now put your fists in the air and stick those pinkies out because this show is too much rock for one hand.