Ep35: Why you might be physically and emotionally depleted with Dr Oscar Serrallach
The Motherkind Podcast - En podcast af Zoe Blaskey
Dr Oscar Serrallach is a qualified family Doctor and G.P, author and an advocate for mother’s health. He is best known for his work on Postnatal Depletion, which resonated with women so deeply and widely when it was posted on goop.com (Gwyneth Paltrow’s site) it crashed the site. We chat about: - What Postnatal Depletion is, and how it encompasses physical, emotional and mental well-being. - Dr. Oscar’s journey to becoming aware of and then writing about Postnatal Depletion, and the vital role noticing patterns in mothers around him played. - How to know when to seek help post-pregnancy if noticing Postnatal Depletion symptoms. - How to effectively recover if your time post-pregnancy isn’t ideal. - The concept of ‘Matresence’ or the transition from womanhood to motherhood. Dr Oscar Serrallach’s website: http://oscarserrallach.com/ Dr Oscar Serrallach’s book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Postnatal-Depletion-Cure-Rebuilding-Reclaiming/dp/0751573388 Ashwagandha (recommended by Dr. Serrallach in the Podcast) is available through wildnutrition.com https://www.wildnutrition.com/products/food-grown-ksm-66-ashwagandha-plus?utm_source=Google_Brand&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAjwzqPcBRAnEiwAzKRgS_ybKDladfeuuNdBfR9IDWHL4e_LxSZ2hqMnVVU7i1uvg4J_uxE6PxoCF9kQAvD_BwE