093: Fight the Power, Don't Be a Victim!
The Motivation Movement | Inspirational Quotes, Daily Advice, Lifestyle Design, Personal Development - En podcast af Michael Russo (mRuddo) - Mandage

Have you ever felt like the whole world was conspiring against you?! Your job sucks. Your bank account is dwindling. Your spilled coffee all over your favorite shirt. Your friends don’t invite you out anymore. You probably feel used, abused, rejected, and depressed. Maybe you even feel like you deserve to suffer. Peace, success, and happiness seem so, so, so FAR AWAY. To tie a bow on this trail of misery, you’re a perpetual victim. Victimhood is an inescapable reality for you. But what if you didn’t have to feel like this anymore? What if you could put an end to the suffering? Could you imagine how your connections, profession and wellbeing would FLOURISH?! Being victimized can come in all shapes and forms. You could have your trust betrayed by someone near and dear to you, you could be a victim of a horrible crime, you could be a victim of your own mindset. We all have people like this in our lives, or maybe it’s you that operates under this pessimistic belief system; always bitching about how they were harmed by the system, or by someone else. As if they have NO WILL-POWER and others are rejecting them what they need, want, and deserve. Everyone is out to get them. They were fucked from the jump. “To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness."— Eckhart Tolle There are PLENTY OF THINGS you can do when you choose to be a VICTOR, not a VICTIM. 1. Identify and Confront Limiting Beliefs: If our beliefs, our internal dialogue, are disenfranchising and mostly negative, it will NO DOUBT produce feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. You must first discover the source of your victimhood. 2. Practice Gratitude: There’s no time to be a victim when you’re busy practicing gratitude. The strongest willed people I know are the ones who are grateful for even the hard times, because they understand that through experience, they gain wisdom and perspective. 3. Shift YOUR Mentality from Victim to Survivor: Shitty things happen to the best of us. They say God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. Tough times make tough people. There’s a million fucking sayings, you get the point. BEAUTIFUL FUCKING THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE. https://Audible.com/mruddo https://mruddo.com