The Form of Music?

Join Mr. Henry and Mr. Fite (and some other friends) as they test their ears by figuring out the musical form.  Check out our YouTube Channel: Remember to Share and Subscribe! ***Classroom and Homeschool Teachers***  Find our digital resource to help enhance your classroom HERE! Like us on Facebook! Mr. Fite Check out original fun and educational music from Mr. Fite at and subscribe to Mr. Fite’s YouTube Channel   Mr. Henry Are you looking for affordable piano lessons for your 6-10-year-old? Start the music journey with Mr. Henry by taking a sneak peek into the Premier Membership with the free mini-piano course!

Om Podcasten

Learn about World Music, Instrument Families, Genres of Music and much more as Mr.Henry and Mr. Fite embark on the adventure of learning and teaching music. Kids can send in funny jokes, which we will read on the show! Put your ears to the test with or Super Duper Music Listening Challenges!