4 Strategies To Excel As A New Grad Physio

As a new grad it is common to experience feelings of doubt and uncertainty... AKA imposter syndrome, as you transition from University to the real world. You have to realise that University can only teach you so much. It gets you to the start line, to graduation... But where you go from there is up to you. Listen to this week's podcast to discover 4 strategies that I found useful when I was in your shoes, ready to graduate and enter the real world of work... Strategies I still use to this day as not so young 'new grad' that qualified back in 2010! Enjoy the show! Andy Barker The New Grad Physio Mentor PS. Think working with a mentor might be helpful but not sure how this might work or the best way to make this work best for you? Head here to learn more

Om Podcasten

The New Grad Physio Podcast is the podcast of choice for any physio’s, sports therapists or sports rehabilitators wanting to learn how to become more confident with their patient assessments, treatments and rehab prescription. The podcast is hosted by Andy Barker, MSK & consultant sports physiotherapist. Andy currently consults with a number of elite athletes and sporting organisations, owns his own group of private practice clinics and mentors therapists from all over the world through his learning platform, The New Grad Physio.