Writing a Knockout CV

How do you stand out from the crowd and beat the competition to secure that dream new grad job (or placement)? Writing a great CV and letter of application is a good place to start... Given your first interaction (and first impression) is usually your potential employer reading these important documents. Gone are the days of just copying and pasting something you found on the internet, tweaking a few lines and sending this off. This is what 9 out of 10 physio's do... And it is the reason why so many new grads fail to make any sort of career progress, particularly when they are first starting out. In this week's podcast episode you will learn why you need to nail your 'pitch'... To ensure your CV and letter of application actually get read... And give yourself the best opportunity of getting offered that dream job interview! Enjoy the show! Andy Barker The New Grad Physio Mentor PS. Want to learn more about how to get your 'foot in the door' at that clinic, sports club or NHS department, then check out this free training webinar... ‘How To Get Your Foot In The Door & Secure Your Dream New Grad Job or Placement Even If You Have No Experience or Connections’ PPS. Missed the show? Head here to get more help.

Om Podcasten

The New Grad Physio Podcast is the podcast of choice for any physio’s, sports therapists or sports rehabilitators wanting to learn how to become more confident with their patient assessments, treatments and rehab prescription. The podcast is hosted by Andy Barker, MSK & consultant sports physiotherapist. Andy currently consults with a number of elite athletes and sporting organisations, owns his own group of private practice clinics and mentors therapists from all over the world through his learning platform, The New Grad Physio.