Themes from HLTH 2023: Retail Health, AI, and Value-Based Care

In October, we took our annual pilgrimage to HLTH 2023 in Las Vegas. What did we find? A melting pot of conversations about the future of healthcare with smart health tech folks, startups, VC firms, retailers, and providers. We're reporting back on the top themes at HLTH: The Funnel Wars Rage On; Value is the Default, and AI, AI Everywhere. Listen in to get a taste of HLTH—and hear our stories about Vegas food!

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In our world of branding and marketing in the health space, there should never be acceptance of the status quo, the old-school, the normal. We should always be pushing forward, celebrating the different, breaking new ground, highlighting the innovative. So welcome to The No Normal Show, our forum for tossing around thoughts, opinions, and ideas on what’s new, cool, different, innovative, questionable, or otherwise related to how consumers navigate health. Plus some other fun stuff thrown in.