#28 Patricio Worthalter, let's POAP

Today we are joined by an OG investor in the space and the founder of Proof of Attendance Protocol Patricio Worthalter. Patricio tells us the fascinating story of how he originally got in to the space after sorting out a ransomware payment in Bitcoin and finding the whole process so enjoyable! he speaks of the building of POAP, the difficulties and the successes, interoperability, competing blockchains, tribalism and why the whole space is so exciting right now. At the end we announce the winning entry for #TheGerbilofWallStreet and announce the next NonFunGerbil competition for #BallerGerbil https://twitter.com/worthalter  https://www.poap.xyz https://nonfungerbils.com  https://twitter.com/NonFunGerbils  https://discord.gg/yQbuZ9j

Om Podcasten

The NonFunGerbils Podcast explores the world of NFTs and the decentralised economy. Each week Luke, George & Rudemoose host a fantastic founder / creator / wizard deeply involved in the NFT space. They cover all things NFT related with a focus on the tech and fundamentals.