Ep. 110 Whose War Is It Anyway? Pt. 5

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Welcome to episode 111, the 5th in the series on Ukraine, Russia, and the American govt's role in the modern history concerning the three. It's been quite an adventure, and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued patience while I've taken the time to research all the info for the series. I came into this knowing next to nothing about the situation, and now, i know more than I'd like. I hope this has helped you guys understand it as well, and possibly aided in some conversations on the subject. This may be the last in the series, but don't hold your breath. More facts are being uncovered as I type this. Please be sure to like, review, share, and subscribe because the censorship is at an all-time high. Now, let's get down the rabbit hole once again far beyond the mainstream!   Cheers, and Blessings   Show Notes   Sec. Of Defense Lloyd T. Austin Promises Zelensky $60 Million Dollars In (2021), Says US has given more than 2.5 $Billion to Ukraine since 2014 https://www.c-span.org/video/?514377-101/ukrainian-president-zelensky-meeting-secretary-austin-pentagon Short Vid of Austin/Zelensky
https://youtu.be/YB5uHDiesD8   Brzezinski wanted all Baltic States to join NATO. His son is now Poland's ambassador.• The 2008 Bucharest Declaration Promised Ukraine, & Russia NATO Membership
https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/29/words-matter-the-bucharest-nato-summit-and-its-contentious-promise/   U.S./Ukraine/USAID NGO
$250 million in military aid for Ukraine reportedly released - there is another $146 million at State that needs to be released. (2019) Since 1992, USAID has contributed more than $3 billion in assistance to Ukraine.
https://www.usaid.gov/ukraine   The big picture: When it comes to military support in particular, the U.S. committed to more than $600 million just last year — and more than $2.7 billion since 2014
Yahoo French President Emmanuel Macron has moved to extend €300 million ($337 million) of aid and military equipment to Ukraine, according to French daily Le Monde.
Feb. 28 2022 
In early February, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz did the math to counter criticism from Kyiv. He said that nearly E2 billion ($2.75 billion) in direct aid had flowed from Germany to Ukraine since the country had spoken out in favor of democratic elections, a pro-European course and against the Kremlin-friendly government that was toppled in 2014.
In addition, there had been E3.8 billion (ca. $4.3 billion) from the EU budget, whose biggest net contributor is Germany, he pointed out.
The UK government has pledged another £80 million in aid after Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. new funding brings total UK support during current Ukraine crisis to £220 million, which includes £120 million of humanitarian aid.
Gov UK 3/1/22 • Australia is providing AUD65 million in humanitarian funding to help meet the urgent needs of the Ukrainian people. At the start of the conflict, Australia provided AUD35 million to trusted humanitarian partners, enabling them to rapidly respond to immediate priorities. An additional AUD30 million in humanitarian assistance will help the most vulnerable including children, elderly and disabled, and women
• Australia will also support Ukraine’s energy security by donating at least 70,000 tonnes of thermal coal
• Gov UK
March 28 2022   Human Rights Groups Call For Israel To Stop Arming Neo Nazis
https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/rights-groups-demand-israel-stop-arming-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-1.6248727   Ukraine Israel Free Trade Agreement
https://www.jns.org/zelensky-announces-ukraine-israel-free-trade-agreement-to-take-effect-in-january/ Russia To Build Youth Center On Putin Street In Bethlehem https://sputniknews.com/20130215/Russia-to-Build-Complex-on-Putin-Street-in-Bethlehem-179496617.html   Arming, and Training Ukraine Since 2015 https://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-secret-cia-training-program-in-ukraine-helped-kyiv-prepare-for-russian-invasion-090052743.html https://thewashi

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