Ep. 119 Those We Don’t Speak Of Pt. 2

The Odd Man Out - En podcast af The Odd Man Out


The day is here, and this is possibly the most I have ever researched for any one episode. We continue from Pt. 1 on the secret society known as The Parushim which included two Supreme Court Justices, & then get into some bizarre teachings about a Holy Serpent. Then, we take a step deeper into the early push for the modern state looking directly at quotes from leaders in the movement. From there, we get into events that took place at the beginning of its establishment, & still, we've only skimmed the surface. Just wait for Pt. 3!  Now, time to get down that hot, sandy rabbit hole, far beyond the mainstream!   Cheers, and Blessings   The Odd Man Out   Show Notes•   The Parushim «KALLEN invited no one to become a member until the candidate had given specific assurances regarding devotion and resolution to the Zionist cause, and each initiate had to undergo a rigorous analysis of his qualifications, loyalty, and willingness to take orders from the Order’s Executive Council.» — Schmidt, Horace M. Kallen: Prophet of American Zionism (Brooklyn, NY: Carlson, 1995), 77.   BRANDEIS assumed the active leadership of the Provisional Executive Committee and HORACE KALLEN invited him to become an honorary member of the Parushim. BRANDEIS accepted, and began to assign the Parushim to carry out special «missions» for him. — Kallen to Brandeis, September 21st, 1914; Brandeis to Kallen, March 4th, 1915; Brandeis Papers, Zionist Archives, New York.   Professor Sarah Schmidt The Parushim https://ifamericansknew.org/history/parushim.html   Against Our Better Judgement Book by Allison Weir https://againstourbetterjudgment.com/   If Americans Knew- Allison Weir's Group https://ifamericansknew.org/   The Holy Serpent in Judaism Rabbi Laitman, in his Daily Kabbalah Lesson of the Zohar, stresses that: “...This snake comes as medication...an angel sent to us...we should be grateful to the serpent for its help...the serpent has a very important mission... “The Serpent is the Angel of Help.” (Full Quote) https://laitman.com/2010/02/the-serpent-is-the-angel-of-help/   "Adam named the serpent thereby, magnifying its unique essence, & was to use it for divine purpose. This is especially true of the Nachash for under Adam's subjugation it had a very sacred mission to perform. More than any other animal it was to be a partner with Adam in bringing the final Tikkum, a completion and transformation of all creation"   Is Tikkun Olam another version of New World Order, The Great Reset ect?   "Kabbalah with theoretical science can stimulate the redemption process." Joel David Bakst, The Secret Doctrine of Gaon Of Vilna Vol. 2 P.80   The Talmud, teaches that, “Serpents encircle the Righteous during their lives, attending to their needs and guiding their actions.” And The Talmud concludes that, “The Serpent is the great servant of man” (Sanhedrin 50b)   Rabbi Jacob ben Cohen declares outright, that, “The Messiah is a snake.”   "Just as Amalek represents the epitome of evil, so does the positive snake represent the epitome of good. Mashiach himself is referred to as "the holy snake," as alluded to by the phenomenon that the numerical value of Mashiach (358) is the same as that of the word for "snake" (nachash). In the Zohar it is told that when the holy snake, Mashiach, will kill the evil snake (overcome the fear of insanity), he will thereby merit to marry the Divine princess, to unite with the origin of the souls of Israel and so to bring redemption to the world."   "Dan shall be a snake on the way, a serpent on the path." (Mashiach, the epitome of the figure of the holy snake, will be a descendent of Judah, the son of David." https://www.inner.org/healing/healing35   The kosher serpent, & the restoration of all things. (Great Series On Kabbalah Teachings) https://youtu.be/PzVBVp2Xtyw   "The serpent, inspirer of disobedience, of insubordination and revolt, was cursed by the ancient Theocrats, although it was honored among initiates... to become like unto

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