Ep. 58 Who Will Watch The Watchmen? Pt.1

The Odd Man Out - En podcast af The Odd Man Out


Taking a deeper look at Jordanus Maximus, The Naked Truth, Mythinfo Agents, & AstrotheologyThis is a show i’ve been wanting to do for years. Long before I started this podcast, I was reading Jordan Maxwell, & that eventually led me into investigating the truth of his claims. This episode will not be for everyone especially if you’re a fan of Jordan Maxwell, & his Astrotheology disciples. If so, you’ll hate it, but at least be honest enough to ask yourselves why? One thing to consider about his works: Yes, he was right about some things, especially concerning governments, banking, & new world order agendas, but those things had already been exposed years earlier by people like, William Guy Carr, Myron C. Fagan, Eustace Mullins, Gary Allen, Carroll Quigley, Anthony C. Sutton, Ralph Epperson, & even, Abbe Barruel, & John Robison decades earlier. The main question i have to ask: If Astrotheology is true, why would Maxwell, & the others have to lie about so many different things? Why the false connection to word origins from different languages formed in different time periods that have absolutely no relation? Why make up such silly stories about biblical texts, & ancient history that the world of secular scholars easily debunks? The people from the Bible lived in agrarian societies where they survived off the land. Of course, you would find fish, cows, & other animals that are included in the modern Zodiac. After all, it has some of those basic animals in it. As Albert Mcilhenny points out, Jesus is also called the Lion of The Tribe of Judah so, why not equate him w/ Leo? Why not divulge that many of your claims came straight from occultists like, Massey, & Higgins? Why would Jordan, lie, & act as if he isn’t a big Blavatsky fan? He’s openly claimed to have been a protege of late Rosicrucian/Freemason philosopher Manly P. Hall. BTW, Hall’s estate has denied the fact. Why would the rest not admit that they are coming from a Theosophy/New Age standpoint? Jordan Maxwell, & his emissaries know full well that most people are ignorant of modern history, let alone, ancient history.They know most won’t understand that much of the info they represent came from various occultists, & that modern research, & evidence has proven many of those claims to be incorrect. They counted on most to not understand how many of the stories from later antiquity were Hellenized to fit the narratives of the time. They also understood, those who are new to realizing things aren’t quite the way they’ve been led to believe are easily thrown into pure nihilism. This makes them easy targets because they tend to grab onto others who are professing a knowledge of alternative facts, & they aren’t yet equipped to discern truth from lies. Another interesting aspect to keep in mind, Blavatsky tried her hand at several different things before hooking up with Alcott, & getting the Theosophical Society going. She herself, was a Co-Mason, although like Jordan Maxwell, she took many shots at the higher degrees of Freemasonry. Perhaps, it’s because, Theosophy, & Freemasonry were competing tribes, & initiates equaled money. Perhaps, it’s just another way to create chaos through words, & throw the truth seekers off the the path. In any case, they were planning on their audience not investigating the truth about their claims. Many of which are easily refuted. I could go on, & on, but let’s look further into it.Chris White points out that the idea that Jesus never existed didn’t come about until the 17th century. Why would the Jews create a mythos around a god they didn’t believe in, & who stood against many of their traditional, & overly legalistic values, & why would the Romans create a god that clearly posed a threat to them, & their leadership?Where did Maxwell get his name?“There are three Trinities in the Nazarene system as well as in the Hindu philosophy… The third is Lord Jordan (Jordanus Maximus), the Water of Life. He is the one through whom alone we can be

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