The Untold Story of Orthodontic Professional Life

Orthodontists often wear many hats. They are the CEOs of their practices, handle marketing, oversee production, and provide clinical care, all while working all day long side by side with a line worker.This multifaceted role can be isolating and lonely.While friends and family offer support, they often don't grasp the intricacies of running an orthodontic practice.Professional organizations, industry meetings, and even getaways with fellow orthodontists can provide invaluable connections with your peers who get you. Feeling understood and having a community behind you is essential for your well-being and success.Sharing your experiences, challenges, and successes with those who understand your day-to-day world is incredibly empowering.So, take action! Join online groups, attend conferences, and build a strong network of peers who will not only provide support but also enrich your professional journey.Key TakeawaysIntro (00:00)The unique challenges of the orthodontic profession (00:50)Loneliness and support for orthodontists (01:24)The value of engaging with peer groups (02:49)Talk to people who understand what you do (03:19)Additional Resources - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): For more information, visit: Join our FREE Facebook group here:

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What does it mean to become an Orthopreneur? Hi there! My name is Dr. Glenn Krieger and I believe that in today’s competitive world, the orthodontic and dental communities should be collaborative. And I've created Orthopreneurs so that we can move towards that goal together. Orthodontists are smart people. You’ve accomplished a lot to get where you are, but chances are you never got a formal education in how to run the most effective and lowest stress practice possible. Don’t sweat it! Because we’ve got your back... Being an Orthopreneur means that you’re a part of a community. A community that brings peers together to become the best clinicians and the best business owners they can be. Becoming an Orthopreneurs means you never ever need to practice alone. Join the FREE Facebook group by simply applying: