Dr Laura Markham Peaceful Parenting TPPP1

Are you interested in peaceful parenting? Do you want to ditch the shouting and connect with your child in a more loving way? Listen to this episode with Dr Laura Markham if you want to learn: Why relationship is everything; how anything you do to encourage your child or discipline them or get them into good habits for life will be for nought if you don’t have a positive connection with them. About what role a child’s maturing brain plays in cooperation and self-discipline How to shift a child’s agenda from what they want to do to what you need them to do. Learn about how a child can give up something they want in the moment for something they want more –to connect with you. About Dr Laura’s 3 big ideas to shift from less drama to more love How to keep calm, to stop being hijacked by emotions. This involves rewiring our brains. Anger is the human response to fear. When parents get afraid or worried about our child we react from anxiety and it touches off an anger response. Dr Laura advises how to avoid it Finally, in our celebration of vulnerability and perfect imperfection Dr Laura shares with us a Low Parenting Moment of her own and her top tip for raising children to be confident, happy and successful.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Parent Practice Podcast, the show for anyone who cares for and about children. We know you want your children to be happy, confident and successful and that you do your best to be a good parent. Sometimes you probably beat yourself up for not being good enough. Good parenting can be simple if you know how. We can support you here by exploring a range of topics to enable you to feel calmer and happier and to help you get that parenting manual you wish you'd had from the beginning. We are your hosts, Melissa Hood and Elaine Halligan. We’re passionate about positive parenting. We’ve developed expertise built up over many years of working with families. In this podcast we interview a whole range of different people in differing fields from authors, to therapists, to clinicians. They all have fascinating insights into this messy world of raising and educating kids. We share our experiences of raising our families. Between us we have 5 now-adult children and one and a half grandchildren and we walk the talk every day using these skills with our families. In the interests of celebrating perfect imperfection in every episode you’ll hear from our guests about one of their own low parenting moments and their top tips for raising happy, confident and successful children.