Mandy Gurney TPPP12

  This week’s episode is with Mandy Gurney, sleep expert and Director of Millpond Sleep Clinic. Mandy trained initially as a general nurse, then as a midwife and health visitor. She set up Millpond in 2000 when she couldn’t find the answers she needed to her own child’s sleep issues. Millpond was the first private clinic to specialise in babies' and children's sleep problems and is the only clinic to help school-aged children. It now has a reputation as the UK's leading children's sleep clinic. Millpond is a sleep advisor to the NHS and provides regular national workshops to the NHS and the corporate sector. Mandy is the author of Teach your child to sleep of which there is a new edition coming out this summer. If you are a parent you will have been through periods of extreme sleep deprivation and know what it means to have your functioning compromised by that lack of sleep. If you are still finding it difficult to help your child settle to sleep you will really want to listen to this episode. Listen to this episode with Mandy Gurney if you want to learn: About the science of sleep and how sleep impacts eating, exercise, hormones, immunity, learning, memory, creativity, decision -making, mood, and, as every parent knows, behaviour If you are a lark or an owl chronotype and what are the normal features of sleep in different developmental phases How to work with the natural sleep patterns of your child About sleeping being a skill and how important it is to develop good sleep habits early in life How to pick up on sleep cues from babies and settle them more easily About teenage sleep problems, which are more prevalent than sleep issues for babies How to set up good bedtime routines, no matter what age your child, including feed patterns and bath routines About gradual withdrawal methods, including use of the sleepy cushion What role rewards might have in helping develop good sleep behaviours In our celebration of vulnerability and perfect imperfection Mandy shares with us a Low Parenting Moment of her own. And Mandy also shares her top tip for raising children to be confident, happy and successful.  Links To get in touch with Mandy:

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Welcome to The Parent Practice Podcast, the show for anyone who cares for and about children. We know you want your children to be happy, confident and successful and that you do your best to be a good parent. Sometimes you probably beat yourself up for not being good enough. Good parenting can be simple if you know how. We can support you here by exploring a range of topics to enable you to feel calmer and happier and to help you get that parenting manual you wish you'd had from the beginning. We are your hosts, Melissa Hood and Elaine Halligan. We’re passionate about positive parenting. We’ve developed expertise built up over many years of working with families. In this podcast we interview a whole range of different people in differing fields from authors, to therapists, to clinicians. They all have fascinating insights into this messy world of raising and educating kids. We share our experiences of raising our families. Between us we have 5 now-adult children and one and a half grandchildren and we walk the talk every day using these skills with our families. In the interests of celebrating perfect imperfection in every episode you’ll hear from our guests about one of their own low parenting moments and their top tips for raising happy, confident and successful children.