Why You Must Feel to Heal w/ John R. Miles Episode 142

Passion Struck with John R. Miles - En podcast af John R. Miles


John R. Miles - why you must feel to heal and 6 ways you can do it. | Brought to you by Babbel (https://babbel.com/passionstruck) for up to 60% off. If you found this podcast, you are likely searching for how to heal your emotional pain of some sort. You may wonder how it is even possible. As I explain in the episode, yes—emotional healing is always possible if we make the deliberate choice to tackle our pain. I discuss why we often try to numb the pain instead of confronting it, and I provide six ways to approach that healing. The reality is that following the emotional pain you are healing from, you are forever changed. I realize that can feel scary, but it can also be incredibly freeing as you experience post-traumatic growth. --► Full show notes: https://passionstruck.com/why-you-must-feel-to-find-emotional-healing/  --► Subscribe to My YouTube Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnRMiles --► Subscribe to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/passion-struck-with-john-r-miles/id1553279283. *Our Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/passionstruck. Thank you, Babbel for sponsoring the podcast: * Babbel is the new way to learn a foreign language. Save up to 60 % off your subscription when you go to https://babbel.com/PASSIONSTRUCK. CHARITY Vet Solutions - https://vetsolutions.org Heroic Hearts - https://www.heroicheartsproject.org Warrior Angels Foundation - https://warriorangelsfoundation.org What I discuss about why you must feel to heal: 0:00 Introduction and announcements 3:20 Why nobody's life is a bed of roses 6:00 The story of Robert Downey Jr. and how he numbed his emotional pain 10:48 What is the importance of painful experiences? 12:09 Why is it okay to feel sadness? 14:22 Why do people numb their pain? 15:29 Six ways to approach emotional healing 19:39 Why our pain is never wasted 20:48 Analysis and wrap-up Show Links Questions that you and your friends or family members can discuss about this episode: Why is nobody's life like a bed of roses? Are you numbing your painful emotions or addressing them?  What did you find most inspiring about the story of Robert Downey Jr? What can you learn about the issues with unhealthy behavior and their ramifications? What is the most fascinating thing about the importance of painful experiences? Why is it okay to cry? What are six things you can do to form emotional healing? What steps will you take after hearing today’s episode to change your approach to painful emotions? Interested in reading the transcript for the episode? Check it out: https://johnrmiles.com/6-proven-ways-to-approach-emotional-healing/  My episode on why you should never believe a prediction that doesn't ignite you: https://passionstruck.com/never-believe-a-prediction-that-doesnt-ignite-you/ My interview with Jordan Harbinger on Why Legacy is Greater Than Currency:  https://passionstruck.com/jordan-harbinger-on-why-building-your-legacy-is-greater-than-currency/ My interview with Admiral James Stavridis on To Risk it All: https://passionstruck.com/admiral-james-stavridis-to-risk-it-all/  My interview with Kegan Gill on how to not just survive in life but thrive: https://passionstruck.com/kegan-gill-on-how-to-thrive-in-life/  My interview with Gretchen Rubin: https://passionstruck.com/gretchen-rubin-the-key-to-happiness/ My interview with former Dr. Michelle Segar: https://passionstruck.com/dr-michelle-segar-the-joy-choice/ My interview with David Vago on Meditation:  https://passionstruck.com/dr-david-vago-on-self-transcendence/ Are you having trouble prioritizing yourself? John discusses the importance of self-love in Episode 104 Follow John on the Socials: * Twitter: https://twitter.com/Milesjohnr * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnrmiles.c0m * Medium: https://medium.com/@JohnRMiles ​* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/john_r_miles * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/milesjohn/ * Blog: https://johnrmiles.com * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/passion

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