How To Effectively Reward Your Puppy

You have two seconds to tell your puppy if you like or dislike what they're doing. Sounds tricky right? But wait there’s more because even if you do tell your puppy in time, if you’ve not actually conditioned the meaning of your words, then you’ve not actually communicated with your puppy at all. And that means you could have the best and most expensive treats in the world but your puppy may never repeat the behaviour because it thinks you were rewarding something else entirely. Luckily Miriam is here with this episode of Perfect Puppy Podcast to help you effectively reward your puppy.

Om Podcasten

The Perfect Puppy Podcast is for puppy owners wanting to train the perfect puppy for their lifestyle. Miriam offers advice and practical tips you can implement with your puppy straight away. Miriam is 19 and based in Central London. She's a qualified dog groomer, certified dog trainer and studying canine nutrition and science. Hopefully as long as Covid doesn't get in the way she'll be a licensed dog handler by the end of 2021. Miriam also has her own dog - 18 month old Tiggy the Labradoodle. Tiggy is training to be a licensed drug detection dog, as well as performing her role as a family pet.