Punishment doesn't ruin your relationship. Here is why…

You’ve probably heard that punishing your puppy will ruin your relationship with them. And yes it can - but only if used incorrectly. When used correctly though punishment is simply a quadrant in operant conditioning. And you don’t have to worry about it ruining your relationship with your puppy.In today's episode Miriam explains exactly why that is. And she totally geeks on how the dog's brain works. 

Om Podcasten

The Perfect Puppy Podcast is for puppy owners wanting to train the perfect puppy for their lifestyle. Miriam offers advice and practical tips you can implement with your puppy straight away. Miriam is 19 and based in Central London. She's a qualified dog groomer, certified dog trainer and studying canine nutrition and science. Hopefully as long as Covid doesn't get in the way she'll be a licensed dog handler by the end of 2021. Miriam also has her own dog - 18 month old Tiggy the Labradoodle. Tiggy is training to be a licensed drug detection dog, as well as performing her role as a family pet.