Does the Score fit the Film?

Send us a Text Message.In this episode, we discuss if the music of Harry Potter fits the picture. Enjoy!Topics/Summary:·      Listen to episode 123, the Music of Harry Potter here!·      1:53 Yes. It is a very simple answer, so it may be better to work backwards from the answer than analyze the evidence and try to come up with an answer. We already know the answer to the question and just about every member of the fandom agrees that the score is fantastic.·      6:16 The composers knew what they were doing. The composers that worked on the films are household names at this point. They’ve had decades of experiences that all fed into Harry Potter. They also worked very closely with the directors so both of their visions could align.·      9:32 Themes. The themes in the story are really what sets these pieces apart and helps us interpret scenes. The Prisoner of Azkaban and both Deathly Hallows really stand out as using themes very well. Lily’s theme in the Deathly Hallows and A Window into the Past theme in the Prisoner of Azkaban are two themes that really stand out in both of the films that are used many times throughout the film and convey a huge amount of emotion. The music also uses silence to connect scenes like when the trio escaped Gringotts on the dragon and they jumped into the water. The music is quiet for Voldemort and for Harry which shows the connection between the two characters that we as the audience don’t even know yet. ·      17:51 The music works with the film. This comes from the composer and director working together. We can really see their working relationship and the time and money they invested into the soundtrack. It sounds like the two were developed together and work in harmony. The music doesn’t take center stage, and yet it adds a depth to the story.·      21:49 The score is magical. Yeah. What I mean by that is the score uses effects and instruments that add a certain magicality to it. We hear things that aren’t in a traditional orchestra that add a bizarre element, like the celeste used for Hedwig’s theme and all the chimes and effect. ·      25:16 We heard the score so many times, we cannot see the films with any other music. Every time we hear the music or watch the film, we’re hearing the music that we have been listening to for 20 years. It is engrained in our brains and sounds like the only music that can ever be in Harry Potter.Having anything you want to hear or say? Click here for a voice submission or here for text. [email protected]@thepotterdiscussion on InstagramSign up for The Quill and Ink

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