Connecting with the Unknown - a talk with Tania Bosak

Some people specialize in certain niches and that is great. Australian performer and TaKeTiNa Teacher Tania Bosak however has a real broad vision to experience life through many channels. She shares how her life unfolded between daring experiments, the longing for community and the challenge of being a woman leader on stage.  And if you listen to this episode you will be surpised how harmoniously all those facets come together in her work.

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Join viennese composer and percussionist Reinhard Flatischler for an eye-opening listening experience. Through inspiring interviews with world-renowned artists, leaders, teachers, high- class performers and scientists, this podcast goes beyond music and explores rhythm from different angles: percussion, drumming, singing, chronobiology, spirituality, modern digitization and health. It will give you new perspectives of how to improve your creativity, your health and your resilience and getting into the flow of life