72 | [CASE STUDY] This nonprofit recognized the power of relationship building and increased engagement by 357%

Whether you’re a small shop leader, an aspiring nonprofit professional, or simply someone interested in the intersection of creativity, finance, and education, this episode is a must-listen. Andrea Ferrero-Haggerty is on the podcast sharing about her journey as the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Pockets Change. This episode serves as an inspiring example of how small organizations can make a substantial impact with the right approach, mindset, and community support. Join this conversation in exploring how productivity and purpose can align to create meaningful, sustainable change. 🔗 Links mentioned in this episode How to launch an automated new donor welcome series ☕️ Find me on social media Instagram LinkedIn ⭐️ Get to know Andrea + Pocket’s Change Pockets Change Website Find out your Money Personality Quiz Andrea on LinkedIn Pockets Change on Instagram ⚙️ My favorite tech tools ConvertKit (PS. nonprofits get 20% off!) Learn the steps needed to increase your donor retention without sacrificing the personalization needed to build a real connection with your donors! In this webinar, I’ll walk you through the 3 action steps to create, write and automate a new donor (or subscriber) welcome series this year. Sign up today! https://www.smallshopstrategies.com/webinar

Om Podcasten

Feeling overstretched, distracted and drained all for the mission you love? Yea, that is not our jam. This is the community where small shop nonprofit executive directors, founders and change makers can learn to reclaim their time, build their blueprint and boost their impact by fundraising smarter and prioritizing radical connections, all while seeding their mission for sustainable and lasting impact. This is Sprout, THE podcast for small shop nonprofits looking to do more good in the world. This podcast is hosted by former nonprofit Executive Director, Founder and farmer-in-training Rachel Bearbower of Small Shop Strategies. Welcome to the farm. Let’s dig in. 🌱