016 - The Milkshake Moment
016 – The Milkshake Moment
Today’s quick tip is: Remember the Milkshake Moment, but look to make a lot of Milkshakes, even when they don’t ask.
First of all , one thing I was taught at an early age is that the number one gift you can give anyone, is your time. Like money, we only have so much of it to give and we need to use it and invest wisely. This is where the milkshake comes in.
Ok, so here are some typical “Asks” from members at a club”
- “Can you be our 4th? Susie didn’t show today.
- Can you stick around and get this racquet strung so the member can take it home tonight (He lives 20 miles away)
- Can you do a 6:00 AM for tis hotel guest who is in meetings all day? Remember what Scott Did in episode 1? Scott gave the customer a “Milkshake Moment” and it landed him a job as manager and head men’s and Women’s coach at Ferris.
- There is No Water I the cooler and we are out of cups
- Can you apply what Stevie missed in his group lesson, due to being sick to a private lesson? Tricky because if he makes up in a group, it won’t cost you anything, but if you do the private, that is an hour of your time.
- Are there any 4.5,s you could set me up with?
- When someone is coming in late for their lesson as you are leaving for home
There are internal guests too (The people you work with)
- Can you fill in for Doug, he did not show today
- Or, “there were only 6 signed up for red ball today but 12 showed, can you help me out
Also, look to Make a Milkshake, even when they don’t ask.
- Hit with someone while they are waiting for their opponent to show up
- If you see someone struggling with their serve (While practicing) go give them some advice, if you know they will accept it.
- Bring the sunscreen & extra towels out on a hot day
- Go over if you can (I remember an hour lesson lasting over two sometimes at the end of the day)
BOTTOM LINE: Remember, when you can make something happen, even when it is not convenient, look to do it for your members and look even to make those milkshakes even when they are not expecting one ………. unless they are lactose intolerant