Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Jordan and Brooke kick off their annual unhinged holiday movie watch with this stop-motion classic – but might this movie actually make the Rainbow Standard?! We dig into the plethora of queer characters present in this TV special, the enduring read of Rudolph's story in regards to oppression and capitalism, a Rankin/Bass deep dive (Heat Miser & Snow Miser 4ever), and why anyone would voluntarily want to be a dentist. Follow us on Twitter! (And Jordan's Letterboxd / Brooke's Letterboxd)This episode is sponsored by Super Yaki! Use code: SUPERQQ for 10% off

Om Podcasten

Four-quadrant films are movies designed to appeal to the biggest, widest audience possible. In the process, they can often leave out a lot of LGBTQ+ representation – but end up loaded with subtext. In The Queer Quadrant, hosts Brooke Solomon and Jordan Gustafson examine cinema in all its cultural contexts, and explore why your favorite four-quadrant blockbuster is maybe…not as straight as you think it is.