Civil Discourse and the Via Media

Happy Election Year! If ever we needed a booster shot of civility in public discourse, surely we need it in 2016. In this episode, Thomas McKenzie narrates a series of events in which he is subjected to most uncivil discourse, and Read More ›

Om Podcasten

The Rabbit Room Podcast is your one-stop shop for all things Rabbit Room. Each month, co-hosts Drew Miller and Leslie Eiler Thompson discuss what you can expect from us in the next four weeks, from Rabbit Room Press to North Wind Manor events to our Podcast Network and more. And sometimes, they'll even talk with a special guest. Be on the lookout for new episodes at the beginning of each month. In addition, you'll find here an archive of the 64 episodes of the original Rabbit Room Podcast that aired between 2008 and 2018. The Rabbit Room Podcast, as it existed for those 10 years, has been retired in favor of the more focused and diverse series that make up the Rabbit Room Podcast Network.