85. Living on Government Support to Generating Over $400k in Profit in 11mo on Amazon w/ Spencer Lacono

The Rainmaker Family Show | Build Your Family Business - En podcast af Chelsey & Stephen Diaz - Fredage


One of the biggest questions we get asked is “Can Dads join rainmakers too!?” The short answer is YES!  The long answer is better explained by one of our Passive Income Poppas! Hit play to meet the man himself Spencer Lacono. If you would have met Spencer Lacono a few years ago, you would never recognize the man he is today. Within less than a year, he went from being broke and depressed, worrying if he could afford Christmas gifts, to living financially free through passive income and spending his days loving all of his children.  His story is one of resilience, resourcefulness, and the willingness to try new things and do what it takes. If you have been in a season where you feel like giving up or maybe it feels like the cards are stacked against you, we know this episode is for you!  During this conversation, Spenser will walk you through his transformation journey and share how getting scammed out of $600+ on Facebook Marketplace lit a fire in his soul that gave him the motivation to step into new levels of abundance and change his family's financial situation…forever.  Who says you can’t change your life in less than 12 months? Within less than a year of getting scammed, Spenser and his family went from living on Government Support to Generating Over $400k in Profit with his Amazon FBA Business! These are the types of stories that keep us going and are the reason we do what we do. We hope this conversation fills your cup as much as it did ours! Also, if you are new around here and you’re like - okay but I am ready to start getting these results like yesterday!? We got you! Start how Spencer did and join the Rainmaker Challenge: https://rainmakerchallenges.com   More of What’s Inside: Living on government aid to making $800K in his business The importance of gratitude  Money is everywhere you just have to be resourceful!  It takes responsibility for self to be successful How Spencer flipped game consoles for a lot of cash Why Spencer thanks God for Rainmakers  The importance of leaving a legacy  Flipping and selling your Amazon business  How Spencer made $30K a month selling water balloons  And more! Connect with us: The Rainmaker Challenge: https://rainmakerchallenges.com/join ► Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/33EdgBs ► Website: therainmakerfamily.com ► Facebook: www.facebook.com/diazfamilylegacy ► Instagram: instagram.com/chels_diaz instagram.com/steezdiaz instagram.com/therainmakerfamily ► Get Free Stuff On Amazon: stephensfreestuff.com/sfs   Episode: minute by minute  00:42 Get to know Spencer 03:28 When Spencer got scammed online… 08:02 How Spencer found the Rainmaker Family 12:23 There is always a path to a better life  17:09 Starting small is the only way to get big 22:24 How gratitude unlocks every door 26:54 What Spencer is working and dreaming towards

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