92. Make More Money By Doing Less Around The House! Mompreneur Tips with Tracey Matney

The Rainmaker Family Show | Build Your Family Business - En podcast af Chelsey & Stephen Diaz - Fredage


As entrepreneur mommas and passive income poppas, you have a lot on your plates. You're juggling the demands of running a business, raising a family, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It can sometimes be overwhelming, and it's easy to feel like you're constantly falling behind. One way to lighten your load and give yourself more time to focus on your business is to outsource tasks that don't require your expertise or attention. We get it, the outsourcing conversation can bring up a lot of different emotions.  You can feel like it’s cheating or somehow you are a “bad mom” if you're not the one handling “all the things.” We used to feel that way, but after seeing first hand how powerful (and healthy) it can be to ask for help and outsource things we are never going back to our old ways!  On today’s episode we welcome our friend and fellow Mompreneur Tracey Matney! Tracey has helped us so much when it comes to overcoming our mental barriers and limiting beliefs when it comes to getting help around the house.  Get this, she hasn’t done dishes or laundry in three years! That is like a dream for so many moms. Not to mention, with all the time she freed up, she and her husband run multiple businesses that generate 7 figures, homeschool their son, have enough time to rest and more!   Her journey is so inspiring and can give all of us Mommas permission to do more while doing less! For example, you could hire someone to do your laundry or dishes, or even hire a housekeeping service to handle the cleaning. This might seem like a luxury, but it's actually an investment in your business. By outsourcing tasks that take up your valuable time and energy, you'll be able to focus on the things that really matter – growing your business and taking care of your family. Plus, outsourcing can actually save you money in the long run. Hit play to hear what a Mothers Helper is, why outsourcing is more doable than you think, resources and tips on how to be more present with your kids but productive in your business, how to connect with your family with board games and so much more!  More of What’s Inside: You have permission to ask for help ​​Hiring a mother's helper Why you shouldn't be 100% available to your team Should you hire a mentor or coach? Homeschooling as an entrepreneur Running a business with your husband Raising a child with ADHD Why you should “park” your phone at night And more! Connect with us: The Rainmaker Challenge: https://rainmakerchallenges.com/join ► Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/33EdgBs ► Website: therainmakerfamily.com ► Facebook: www.facebook.com/diazfamilylegacy ► Instagram: instagram.com/chels_diaz instagram.com/steezdiaz instagram.com/therainmakerfamily ► Get Free Stuff On Amazon: stephensfreestuff.com/sfs Episode: minute by minute  1:22 How we met Tracey 3:36 Nanny versus a Mothers helper 7:23 Identifying your highest  and best task 11:47 Balancing your work and mom life 18:15 One of Stephen’s favorite books 21:38 Learning how to slow down as a family 23:52 Tracey’s first job and mentor 26:55 Why Tracey decided to homeschool  30:01 How much intentional time the average parent gives their kids 33:52 Why Tracey felt the need to launch a new business 37:08 When Tracey got fired and what she learned 40:55 How Tracey and her husband runs their businesses together 44:22 How to connect with Tracey 

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