Are you Lazy or an Action Taker?

This is a very short, off-the-cuff episode of the Remote Hive podcast. As a remote work coach, I ask a few questions before spending any time working with a client, and the response determines if I work with them or not. You can tell a lot about a person by a few thought-provoking questions, and it's easy enough to see if they're an action taker or not. What kind of remote job seeker are you? As mentioned in this episode, I have a free quick guide available to my email subscribers. It teaches you the essential tasks before applying for a remote job, and is meant as a compliment to your application process. All you have to do is subscribe to my free newsletter for remote job seekers, and once you confirm your email address, you'll be sent to download this and other free guides.

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The Remote Hive is a weekly podcast to help you find remote work and escape the office! Your host, Darren Cronian shares advice based on his own experiences. He has worked remotely for over eight years with various remote companies including Fortune 500 brands.