Patti Adkins

Patti Adkins was a hard working 29 year old from Ohio who had a daughter, Michaley, only 7 at the time. Patti had a boyfriend who worked at the Honda Plant where she worked as a supervisor - they were going to go away to Canada for a week when she disappeared. Also let it be known that Patti's boyfriend was still married at the time that they were seeing each other AND he borrowed a lot of money from the tune of 90 Thousand dollars.So what happened that day, now so long ago, June 29, 2001?What exactly happened to Patti Adkins?

Om Podcasten

The Right Shoe is a podcast that talks about all things strange and unusual especially in reference to a death and delves into the psychology behind it. The Host, DebbieQ, defines the crime and then goes into specifics, asking investigators from a homicide department as well as people involved with the history of the crime and/or the victims to blend together to figure out the whose and why’s of what happened.